87 5 7

Me: Are you prepared to get... -dun dun dunnnnnnn-


Killmill: Nopenopenopenopenopenope

Killer The Pillar: ;-;

Dream Machine: I'LL SAVE YOU uhhh -thinking of awesome nickname for Killer that isn't as manly as Manly Dream-

Killer the pillar: -.- -walks away-

Me: Don't worry Dream I'll help you

Dream Machine: Oh thank you

-insert thinking of nicknames-

Me: I GOT IT!!!

Dream machine: WHAT???!?!?!?


Dream Machine: OMG ITS PERFECT

Nootmare: -spits out the juice he was sipping- WTF IT TOOK YOU GUYS TWO DAYS TO THINK OF THE NAME 'FRUIT LOOPS'?!??!?!?!

Me: Yes nootmare now go away or i will slap chu

Nootmare: -flicks me- (that sounds weird what should i call myself? XD) You act like a child -.-

Me: Cuz i am you jerky Turkey -flicks back-

Nootmare: dont touch me evil soccer ball

Me: then dont touch me you ugly octpus

Nootmare: vsco girl

Me: hentai octopus

Nootmare: heccing hec

Me: ugo person

Nootmare: squid

Ink blob: yes UwU

Me: rattle snake ._.

Ink: O wait-

Nootmare: Ugo snake

Me: Panda rabbit

Nootmare: nope

Me: Nope rope

Nootmare: Nopealope

Me: Nope rope nope

Nootmare: uGo LiTtLe BiTcH

Me: uGo BiG bItCh-


Me: shaddup -shoves chocolate in Errors mouth-

Error: Omgitssuchanicedayoutsidedontyouthinksoihopeyouthinksodidyouknowthatnightmaredoesntactuallyhatedreamhesjustmadatdreamfornoreasonandyesthatmakessencewhybecauseisaidsoandifyoudisagretheniwillkillyouandinkisnotanuglylittlebitchlikeinormallysayheisheisawesomebutiwannakillhimbecausehecreatesdumbthingswannaknowhytheredumbwelltobadyournotgonnabecauseisaidso -runs away-

Everyone: O-O

Me: :/ i've just brought destruction apon the world haven't i?

Ink blob: Yes, yes you have

Me: Shaddup i never told you to talk did i?

Ink blob: well no but yes-

Me: wat- o-o

Ink blob: i said no but yes -fabulously walks away-

Me: Damn -eats a banana-

Nootmare: -sweating- ;-;

Me: Nootmare- i FrIcKeN tOlD yOu A bAnAnA cAn'T kIlL yOu, YoU lItTlE sHiT


Me: -slowly puts banana down- okay thanks now i'm never gonna eat a banana again, thanks for ruining my life

Crossy boi: -bursts in through door- LIFE IS FUN!!!

Me: No- BAD CROSS- wErE gOnNa GeT cOpYrIgHtEd-

Crosss boi: But theres no frickin music-

Me: stfu

Crossy boi: No u

Me: Fite me

Crossy boi: NOPE -tps to underswap-

Me: -tps behind him- fite me 2.0

                            {} {} {}

There they are.

All standing together around the stone in black

Some crying

Some with nervous laughter knowing that the cause was right beside them

Others without a care in the world because they can't afford to care

Some can't show any affection at all

It's not a choice

Me: Stfu your getting off topic!

Narrator: OH whoops ;w; -ahem-

They all sit

Waiting for someone to talk

After a few minutes of silence, at last someone speaks

"Welcome, friends and family" he says in a shushed voice

"To the funeral of Cross-" he pauses looking at the paper

"Uhm does anyone know the his last name?" He asked

Everyone faced palmed

"Dude you ruined this 'sad' moment and he doesn't have one" someone from the crowd spoke up

Everyone looked at them until someone shouted

"Stfu you murdered him!"

                           {} {} {}

Me: -sitting in the cardboard box that has the writing 'jail' on it becauee they can't affored to put me in jail cuz i threatend to earase them all-

Nootmare: Bitch you deserved that-

Me: yOu'Re N-n-N-n-NeXt :)

Everyone: -hears a scream- Oh sh*t-

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