Dil bole Oberoi 😉

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All were shocked listening this while swara was having I knew it look..

Laksh comes and slapped Ragini hard making her fall..
( Only two person guessed correctly 😉)

Pari was hell angry and goes to her slapping her hardly.." What is your problem with swara? From the time you came here always behind swara? What wrong she did to you that you always do bad with her?"

" What wrong she did? Everything? She did everything wrong.. from childhood she snatched everything of mine.. either my mother or my grandmother.. when I got my mother in the form of shomi ma why the hell she comes infront of me..what was my fault that she came as a my mother? Did i asked her to come leaving her daughter? No right? Then why can't she accept me only.? I didn't ask her to come and love me but if she came then why can't she only be my mother? Only mine? N grandmother.. parvati gadodiya is my dadi.. only mine ..I am her legal granddaughter still she always praise of this swara.. from childhood I always have to compare with her ..either it's study or music..I thought after her departure to college I will be free from this comparison but no.. then also this madam came by studying two courses at the same time..n succeed also..dadi again started to compare me..n my father..that lusty man always sent me in that thing which this swara want .. either it's school or college.. clothes or footwear.. music or MBA.. never asked for my interest..not even Single Time..how can I take interest in that things which I don't like.. still I tried just to get one praise..but no..I never get anyone..then I thought that if I will get married then I will be happy.so I started to find someone by my own but then that shekhar gadodiya told me swara have a boyfriend..it was quite oblivious if she had choose someone that must be intelligent just like her or rich ..n told me to find someone rich as soon as possible..I started to hate that fact and when she was talking to her boyfriend I pushed her from stairs.. I know I did wrong but I couldn't think anything else.. then she got saved but lost her mental health..that time again my so called father came and ordered me to get close to swara's dida so she can give me right of her property but unfortunately she always knew our true colours so she never paid any attention to me.. finally I got laksh who was rich, intelligent but pampered one..so I made him friend and when he was emotional weak I proposed him taking that chance and he being fool accepted me.. I finally got relief bcz first time my father and mother was happy listening this news but then I got to know about sanskar and again my parents started to talk that if sanskar will be normal then I will be left alone..I couldn't think anything else and replaced swara on my place but destiny was always on her favour and she got married to sanskar only. I again lost and got married to laksh but still I was happy bcz i knew that after becoming normal swara will never accept mad sanskar and she already had boyfriend so it was oblivious but again I lost when family members started to love her more..so in anger and hate I again pushed her but again she got saved.. n now this truth that sanskar was only her boyfriend..I lost everytime from swara but not this time..I will kill you by myself now only then only I will be happy.." Ragini said angrily and goes to swara for grabbing her neck but before that only someone jerked her hardly and slapped her tightly making her lips bleed..she cried and saw towards the person and got shocked..

All were shocked listening this truth while laksh was completely devastated hearing this..swara was surprised listening all this as she knows that Ragini hates her but this much that she tried to kill her twice..it was something unbelievable.. while pari, Adarsh and sanskar were fuming in anger...

But the person who slapped Ragini again slapped her.. behind her other person also comes and slapped Ragini repeatedly making her cry in pain..

" Swara did wrong with you? Seriously? She snatched everything from you? You mindless girl..did anyone taunts you for being illegitimate child? Did you ever cried every nights for sleeping even after having your parents infront of you? Did anyone insulted you from childhood for being illegitimate child? Did anyone taunts you for not having father? Did anyone ragged you for this ? Did you ever felt that much emotional that you just wanted your mother's embrace just to hide yourself from this cruel world? Did you ever cried seeing your own mother pampering some other child neglecting you? Did you ever cried hearing worst taunts from your own parents? Did you ever felt that if you want be happy then you have to hide your fears from others? Did any boy teased you for being illegitimate child and then tried to harrass you taking that advantage? Did you ever felt anytime coming alone that someone is following you with bad intention? Did you ever felt vulnerable even after telling your own mother telling about your fears and getting insulted by her? Did you ever felt that much useless when someone comes to your grandmother and ask to throw you out just bcz you were born without wedlock? Did anyone scared you by their power of having a family behind their as a support? Tell me did you ever got anyone of this ??" That person shouted angrily making all shocked and cry for swara's past.. while swara was already teary eyes thinking about her past..

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