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All were worriedly walking here and there in hospital.. they all were shocked bcz swara who became a light of the house is in the hospital..  all were very happy just sometimes ago hearing that swara's operation is going to held after two days.. all jumped in happiness bcz of that news as all were worried for her condition but at the same time they have fear also that what will happen after Swara's operation but still they took the risk to make her normal over their love.. bcz she needed to be normal..

Shobha bose who got the news of operation was overwhelmed hearing this from pari.. Shobha Bose knows that all were treating swara more than she can ask to do and she was happy for that.. finally her granddaughter got the happiness but still her normal self was something which she wished everyday..n her prayers got fullfill.. she got the news and confirmation that swara will be definitely normal after surgery but there are chances that she may forget all the time of her illness.. shobha bose was worried for that bcz that period of time included the most important thing of swara's life..her marriage.. n she denied for operation but Maheshwari family made her understand that swara's health is most important then their wishes.. how much they wished that swara don't forget anything after operation but it's all in god's hands.. they can just pray and see it.. finally shobha bose agreed on their trust and love but still her fear didn't went completely and now this situation made her feel horrible.. her Shona who was going to operated after two days is now laying on the death bed.. she was numb .. she thought did she asked more from God that heis punishing her like this.. she always wished for her death over swara's health but right now swara is on death bed.. she was numb and shocked.. completely blank to think or understand anything..

Annapurna and sujata were sitting comforting shobha bose who was not in senses.. both were completely worried for swara and shobha bose.. they were praying in mind for Swara's wellness while trying to make shobha bose normal which is next to impossible..

Adarsh Maheshwari who was elder son of Maheshwari family never become comfortable with anyone rather than pari.. either it's bcz of his responsibilities being elder one or being introvert from the childhood he never opened up with anyone.. not with his parents or his siblings.. it's not that he doesn't love them but still he wore one mask of responsible son infront of everyone.. for his parents he is their pride and responsible son who chosses his life by himself but never did anything wrong.. Adarsh always hesitate bcz of his interest over science rather business but he never oppose his father's words.. if Sanskar was not there he might have joined business just for the sake of his father's respect.. but sanskar watched his interest and confronted him and Durga Prasad got to know that his elder son is never into business.. he loves science and wants to be scientist.. he first time felt that did his expectations become obstacles infront of his children's happiness.. he questioned himself first that time and supported Adarsh for his love for science.. but that one incident changed his mind that now his children needs his guidance only not his overloaded expectations.. n he followed his heart giving them enough freedom.. Adarsh was very happy with that and he proved his father that his independence didn't went to waste.. pari's arrival made him more alive with her love.. it was Durga Prasad only who arranged their marriage and finally both fell in love with each other.. he couldn't thanked his father for that but still his reserved nature never become comfortable with anyone else.. but swara she is different.. she without any efforts made him smile in critical situation with her innocence.. even ansh couldn't do that but with swara Adarsh was completely child.. he played cricket first time for swara as swara was sad .. he cooked first time in his life for swara as she was crying.. he wondered that he never cooked anything in pari's pregnancy also cooked at midnight for swara just bcz she was crying.. he found his little sister in swara as uttara always lived in convent from childhood and after scholarship also she went abroad..so he never got any time to bond with her but with swara he found himself.. laughing, jumping, cooking, playing, doing little pranks.. whenever swara clapped over his science experiments he prayed in mind to keep that smile on her face forever.. but today he lost. He lost his sister in this situation.. he is sitting like a statue.. no expression and no movement.. pari cried seeing his condition.. it's not that she is less worried then him but atleast she never hides her sadness into her heart.. whatever she feels she expressed it ..that's the reason Adarsh loves her more bit Adarsh is different.. he never expressed his feelings and right now his emotions are completely blocked seeing his beloved sister on hospital bed.. what he thought that after operation he will get her normal self and finally won't let go away from him but here situation turned the tables down..

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