let some truth fold away

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Durga Prasad was guilty for not trusting sanskar again but at the same time releif that finally he got his love while pari was continuosly crying..

" Why you didn't tell me before that it was swara only.. we should have handled it wisely.." dp finally said..

" How can I tell when I myself got to know today.. I still can't believe.. I was searching her from 3 years she was just infront of me and I couldn't recognise her.." sanskar said controlling his crying..

" But you know about dida right? I mean swara is my patient from almost 8 months.. you never saw her name or what about dida?" Pari asked with little anger..

" To be true i never know about dida.. I mean I never met her as a person nor I know her complete name.. I just knew that there is her grandmother only who is her family..but I never tried to know more about her.. swara always address her as dida so I never thought to ask her name.. n about your patient then bhabhi you never told me that she is swara bose.. you were always talking about Shona.. so I couldn't know about her.." sanskar replied making pari angry on herself..she was really angry as why she never shared her details with sanskar when she knows that sanskar was finding her..

" Ok Maybe that was coincidence but why today? I mean you told me today morning that now you don't want to act as a mad anymore and you were gonna reveal that then how you get to know about swara?" Durga Prasad asked with confusion..

" When you all were busy in preparation lucky came in my room with worried face. Before I could ask anything he made me ready in his clothes and covered my face with sehra.. n told me to be silent till he come infront of me again and do everything as per other says . But not remove sehra.. I was worried for him but accepted his every talk and sat at the place of his..but at the same time i already made my security guards behind him as I was worried for him but after knowing about his meeting I was relieved and was waiting for him but when it took so much time I thought to told Ragini everything and went to her room thinking Maybe she can delay this marriage but there I was shocked seeing swara .. I was happy, surprised I didn't know what to do but I just want to hug her confirming she is my swara but before I do anything someone in burkha came and made her ready as a bride ..I was shocked seeing this and thought to not say anything as I was worried for swara.. I silently sat on my place again waiting for her.. and rest you all know.." sanskar finally revealed his move making other shock..

" That means we should find that other girl who made swara ready.. it's good that sanskar was only there what if there was laksh.. " pari asked worriedly.. on which dp and Sanskar both got tensed..

" I was scared bade Papa.. I was afraid to loose my swara again.. I did whatever I felt right that time but I really didn't know that bcz of my actions dida will get hurt.." sanskar said with broken voice..

" I know your intention were not wrong but still we indirectly hurt that lady who herself is milestone of trust and respect.. we indirectly question that only n for that we have to ask forgiveness from her . But sanskar now it's high time you should reveal your identity.. atleast infront of family.. you know how much AP and sujata cries for you.. they have right to know the truth that their son is completely fine.." DP said thinking about all the happening..

Sanskar silently listen but shook his head negatively.." No bade Papa.. about dida I agree with you.. she is hurt bcz of me and I will ask her forgiveness.. I will meet as I need to apologise and need to know what happened to swara but about my truth.. don't reveal it.. I know mom and badi ma are very worried for me but I need time.." he said normally..

" But why sanskar.. what will happen if they know? They are your family.. they just want your happiness and wellbeing..why are you giving them this punishment?" Pari asked remembering about sujata and AP..

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