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In Maleficent tower:

Maleficent files her nails, lazily, while saying to the kids "You will go, you will find the fairy Godmother and you will bring me back her magic wand... Easy Peesy"

"What's in it for us?" Mal asks

"Matching thrones, hers and hers crowns"

"umm, i think she meant us" Carlos says

Maleficent throw her nail filer behind her and beckons Mal to come closer to her.

"It's all about you and me baby, do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?"

"yeah, i mean who doesn't?" Mal replies

"WELL THEN GET ME THE WAND! And you and i can do all that and so much more! And with that wand, and my scepter, i will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!"

The Evil Queen moves her mirror to look at Maleficent and says " Our will!"

All the Villain parents nod in agreement

"Our will, our will" Maleficent says to make the other villains happy and then clicks her fingers at Mal saying "Now, if you refuse, you're grounded for the rest of your life, Missy" She winks at Mal

"Wha-" Mal goes to protest, but Maleficent cuts her off with her hand snapping in Mals face as she breaths in a deep breath and makes her eyes glow green, in a type of stand off/ staring contest with Mal.

"Uh! Fine!" Mal says as she looses "Whatever!"

"I win" Maleficent says to rub it in

"Alright we get it!" Hadley calls, rounding the corner walking into the room with her Dad behind her.

"I'll help you pack your stuff" Evie calls to me as they begin to walk towards the door together until The Evil Queen shouts

"Evie! My evilette in training" Evie runs over and sits besides her mother as Hadley roles her eyes and gets her bags herself as Hook chats with Jafar

"Now" The Evil Queen starts talking to Evie again " You just find yourself a prince, with a big castle and a Mother in-law wing"

Evie and the Evil queen say together " And lots and lots of mirrors"

"Don't laugh!" The evil Queen snaps at Evie "wrinkles!"

Cruella De Vil says " they are not taking my Carlos, i would miss him too much!"

"Really Mum?!" Carlos says happily

"Yes, Who would touch up my roots, fluff my fur and scrape the bunions off my feet?"

"Maybe a new school won't be the worst thing"

"You and me both" Hadley says as she passes Carlos with Lots of bags in her hands

"Carlos, they have dogs in Auradon" Cruella reminds her son

"Oh no, i'm not going!" Carlos tells Maleficent

"Uh!" Maleficent exclaims annoyed

"Well Jay isn't going either!" Jafar says "I need him to stock the shelves in my store!"

Jafar turns to Jay and whispers " What did you score?" Jay pulls out a lamp and hands it to his Dad, his Dad rubs it excitedly.

"Dad... I've already tried" Jafar throws the lamp at Jay in disappointment

"Evie's not going anywhere until we get rid of the uni-brow" The Evil Queen says to no one in particular

Hadley Drops one of her bags and Jay runs and picks it up for her. They both stand, facing each other, for a minute until Captain Hook pulls Hadley back and Jafar does the same to Jay

The Daughter of Captain Hook ✔️ ||OCxJay DescendantsWhere stories live. Discover now