I Almost Lost You

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Requested by: Pheonix678

Word count: 1072

Ships: Roynette, Spitfire, Lila x Adrien

Salt: Alyasalt, Classsalt, Adriensalt

Marinette's only friends consited of Nino, Chloe and Alix, Everyone else belived the liar and was now bullying poor Mari. Though in all the darkness is her life there way a light. That light's name was Roy Harper. They had meet at a Gala hosted by Oliver Queen, Jagged had brought Marinette to "show her off". She was in Star City for a few weeks and during that time they became an item. She found out he was Red arrow and he found out she was LadyBug.

They had now been tougher for about 3 years and it was there aniverery. To make it special he visted with his family, Arty(My YJ heart) and Wally (Sue me)  and Oliver.  They made there way to the front of the school were...it was empty?

A few Hours Before:

Marinette was walking outside to the courtyard to eat lunch. Ever since Lila came, she began to eat outisde in hopes of not haveing to see her ex-friends engage with the liar.

She was sitting on a bench sketchbook in hand, eating a beice of bread she had gotten from her bakery. She heard a few noises behind her and saw her class smirking at her, lead by Alya and Lila.

"What do you all whant." she sighed. Roy was comeing and she just whanted to be in his arms right about now.

Alya then took out her phone and stuck it in fornt of Marinette's face. "How do you feel about this?" she sneared. It was a photo of Lila and Adrien kissing.

"Ok." she turned around and then whent back to sketching.

"Mari! Did you hear Roy's comeing!" Chloe shouted running up to her with Alix and Nino following her.

Mari checkuled at her friend as she ran and hugged her "Yes, I now he called me and told me all about it last night. He got Arty and Wally to come to."

"I just heard there staying in Daddy's hotel. That means your staying to." Marinette frowned "I told him it's ok, him and everyone can stay in the Bakery."

"Nonesense you have't seen your boyfriend in foerver. It's your aniversery you don't whant to stay with your parnets." she gigled, both forgetting the class.

"Guys I think you forgot some people." Alix told her 2 best girl-friends.

They turned around to see the entire class looking at them dumbfoled. Who was thisn Roy guy? Kim then grabbed her sketchbook right out of her hands.

"You either knock of this thing for attention or will ripe your sektchbook." Alya sneared.

"What do you mean? Roy's real, we've all meet him." Nino said.

Kim then ripped the sketchbook to shreads. The three of them sucked in the breath watching what Kim did. Lila wighpered something into Ivans and Max's ear and shure enough, Chloe was being risirtained by Ivan, Alix haveing twist ties holding her arms and legs tougher so she can't move. Nino was held by Max and Kim.

Sabirna pushed Marinette to the ground as Alya started to say really rude things to the girl. Everyone that wasn't restinting Marinette's friends was now hurting the girl. Adrien was trying to knock it off but with no avail.

That is were we are now. Roy, Wally, Arty and Oliver heard a scream and rushed over to the scene. Chloe was the one who yelled, catching a glimpse of the family, hopeing they whould get them all out an help them.

Roy pushed the attackers off his girlfriends and whent to help her. Arty bless her soul, flipped Ivan and helped Chloe. Wally took the twist ties off of Alix and Oliver pushed the boys off of Nino. They had called the police before hand, after hearing the scream. The police then got the attacking class and handcoffs and into police cars.

Adrien then made his way to the ambulenc were Mari was sitting, a blanket over her shoulders. He made his way over to her, angry as ever.

"Why whoukld you do that Marinette!?" he asked fouisy she whould try to hurt the class and Lila.

"W-what do you mean?" she asked, she was cold seeing as Mylene had poured her water bottel on her.

"Becuase of the giant stunt you did the whole class is going to becmome Akumas. What ever happend to being our "Everydy Ladybug" I'm ashamied of you." he grabbed her wrsit but was stopped.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" he asked venom in voice. Adrien turned around to see Roy Harper galring at him.

"Sorrry, there are Akumas here and I'm afriad this girl caused some." he stated turing to Marinette to galre at her.

"I now about Akumas, Mari told me. But have you thought about her? Her becmaeing an Akuma? Her feelings? Or just about the class and yourslef." he asked.

"Marinette can handle it she's our everyday Ladybug." he snapped back.

"You wanna now something? My girlfriend almost got akumitzed 7 times. She almost ened her life, becuase of you, your class and that liar."

"Oh I'm so soory I didn't now."

"You didn't now huh?" he pushed Adrien "What the hell have you been doing when this whole thing has gone down huh?" he pushed him again.

"Roy! Roy stop it!" Marinette called out to her boyfrind.

"All you care about is yourslf, no one else. Mari isn't inveiclabe so stop acting lie she is." he pushed him agin, Adrien falling onto the floor catching attention.

"Roy!" Mari yelled as she ran inbetewn her boyfriend and ex-crush. "Come on let's go." she took his hand in hers.

"Mari this guy stod by while you were being hurt. He deserves to pay."

"So? Violenc won't solve anything Roy. You now that better then anyone, come on let's go away from them before you do something you'll regeret."

"Marinette, becuase of this guy I almost lost you." She then pulled him into ahug.

"Your not going to lose me (Glee anyone?)." He stated to tear up, a sight not many have seen.

"Come on, Chloe got a resevtions at her famoly's hotel" she then took her boyfirends hand into her's and guided him to the car. They then made there way to the hotel were they soon fell asleep. Marinette in his amrs. Roy whould do anything for Mari and she whould do anything for him.

Miraculous Salt One-Shots *On Hold*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora