I need helpppp

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Ok. So i've been really out of it lately. Ivan's one-shot will be comeing out soon. Spideybug, one-shot is in the makeing as are the other requests. Requests are onhold but there not at the same time. You're proboby confused by this but let me explain.

I whant to make ever class-redeption one-shot special but my inspration had been at an all-time low. So her I came up with a conmprimise.

Here is everyone I have to do still:



-Natheniel (I'm thinking of adding Marc with him aswell)

-Juleka (I have a few ideas for her)


-Miss B

-Kagami and Luka (I whant them to have a shared one-shot)

I think I got everyone, yah. So here is eveyone I have to do. If you guys have any ideas for what I should do for each of thses guys, just comment them. Request are in the workd just takeing a while. Thank you all for beging to patient, you all are the best. Also thank you for 12+ views It makes me so happy. Thank you again and stay safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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