Class Redemption-Alya

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Alya waited patenlty outside Mrs.Sawyer. Mrs.Sawyer was one of the best reporters off all time and Alya had the chance to intern to her. While Alya waited and and took deep breaths Mrs.Sawyer's secretary came.

She nugged Alya before talking. "Mrs.Sawyer will see you now dear." and with that Alya left and when't into the room.

It was white with a big window. There were little trincetes scattered all around her desk. Alya sat at the visting chair and whaited for Mrs.Sawyer. When she did come in she looked to be exmaining a file. That file had Alya's essay report.

In order to get the internship she needed to send a essay repot about climete change. So Mrs.Sawyer had no clue that she was the LadyBlogger, she nervee showed her face or name in videos for saftey purpises.

Mrs.Sawyer smiled at the girl and sat inher cahir.

"I have to say this is one of the best essay reports I have ever read. I whould say you have the internship but there is one finale thing you need to do." She told Alya.

"What ever you need, I can do it." she told the women. Mrs.Sawyer smiled before pulling something up on her laptop and faceing it towrds Alya with the LadyBlog on it.

She switched it so there were to arcitcale on the screen. One that Alya had posted just a few days ago about Lila and anougher one she posted about a 2 years ago before Lila about an akuma attack.

"You see Alya this articale aout a 2 years ago is very good. I whould whant who ever worte that to be one of my interns. But let's talk about the other articale. This girl Lila is a big fat liar, the repoter did not fact check. But most importantly in the articale they cyberbullied this girl Marinette Dupin-Cheng. Now I now Miss Dupin-Cheng and I have to say I really hate this reporter now." Alya gulped when she said that. Had Lila really been lieing?

"So that's why I need you." She pointed to Alya. "If you what to be my intern you need to find out who this LadyBlogger is and stop them and make them apoligive. Got it?"

Alya nodded her head really up for the challeng. She was angry at Lila for lieing. She was angry at herself for being a hypcrite and beliveing Lila. She was angry for destorying her friendship with Marinette. She was angry.


Alya sat down at her deak and got her stuff ready. Her computer was up and ready for hr to start to write. She had her pens and notebooks out, she streched her hands and got to writeing.

Few hours later and Alya was happy. This was what truely what reporting was about, she knew that it was going to take a while but she whanted the LadyBlog to get it's credbilty back. She pressed enter and soon it was upoladed.

Dear LadyBlog readers,

Thank you for being here and reading but I'm afraid that I have been doing something terribly wrong. I have turned they LadyBlog into a site were a girl lies for attention. Lila Rossi is that girl. Readers Lila has lied about everything on this site and everything she had said. She never had all of those desiese, helped charites, heck her mother's a refuge. I'm so sorry for those who have belived it and most of all I'm most sorry to my good friend Marinette Dupin-Cheng. I'm so sorry Marinette. Thank you again readers.

-Your's truly,


Alya smiled and turned her computer off and when't to bed.


The next day before school she visted Mrs.Sawyer. She knocked on the door before hearing a come in. She opned the door and when't and sat.

"Hello Alya." Mrs.Sawyer smiled as she put down her notebook.

"Hello Mrs.Sawyer. I just whant to say that I got the LadyBlogger to aplogive."

"I know I just read the articale. Thank you Alya. I know your the LadyBlogger."


"Your writeing formate is the same. I'm very proud of you for admitting your mistakes and corecting them. Congrats you have the internship."

"T-thank you, Mrs.Sawyer."

She smiled before beckning her to the door. "Better hurry or your going to be late."


At school Marinette was crowded by people asking her for forgiveness. Chloe of course kicked them to the curve and walked her firend to class. After class Alya when't to talk to her old friend.

"Hey Marinette."

"Hello Alya."

"I just whant to say I'm sorry. I now our frindship will never be the same but I whant to start over."

Marinette smiled. "Me and Chloe were going shopping. Wanna come?"

"Y-yeah." the 2 girls then when't to meet up with Chloe smiling. It was ust like old times but better.

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