Chapter Twenty-Six

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I go straight to school, finding that I'm w-a-y too early. Needing to keep my mind away from the twins, I study my notes from yesterday. I try to concentrate but I just can't. My mind keeps wandering to the mysterious and very different lives of the tiny dots inside me. I give up and put my stuff away, sitting back in the driver seat. I rest my hand on my stomach and rub it gently, thinking.

This can't be possible. These kids can't be able to do what they can. But with that said, how did they know so much? How could they talk to well and understand us perfectly? That's just not normal. And how do they both know the babies' names?

I don't even know what I'm going to name them yet. Though, when I think about it, Benjamin Anthony and Emily Rose are really nice names, and very fitting too. Rose is Mom's middle name, so that fits well, and Mom had been pregnant with twins like Grace and Jason but she lost them after an attack. She had been going to name them Emily and Anthony. Benjamin is a name that's meaning to me is lingering on the edge of my consciousness, just out of my reach.

After a moment, I realise something amazing: I want to keep those names. I want to honour my mother, my brother and my sister by using their names for my own children, just as my parents did with all of us.

Ted's and my first names mean nothing, but our middle names do. Carla is Mom's mother's name and Raymond is Mom's father's name. Jason and Grace's first names and middle names mean something too. Jason is after Jason Taylor, a loyal friend and wonderful security for our family for as long as I can remember, and Grace is Dad's adoptive mother's name. Jason's middle name is Carrick and Grace's is Mia. Carrick is Dad's adoptive father and Mia is our Aunty Mia.

But how would I handle kids like this? The dreams alone are enough to rattle everything I know. It's human nature, we're afraid of the unknown. This is the unknown for me. I can't seem to figure out how Susie and Katie are handling this, as well as the girl that Kellie lives with. There's no way she doesn't know what her niece can do.

"What can they do?" I ask myself aloud.

I don't know what these kids are capable of or what they're like. I have a general idea of what the light ones are like but I've never met Kellie, so I have no idea what the dark ones are like.

Looking back, there's a lot of inconsistencies in this. And gaps too. Katie claimed not to know that Derek's pattern is every year, not every two years, and then she seemed to know a lot about Kellie when she was talking to me about her. And Susie's disappearance. What triggered that? We'd been talking about my and Phoenix's fathers. What about that could have made her leave us like that?

I jump and pull myself out of my thoughts when there's a knock on my car door. I look up and see Katie there, watching me through the window. I take a deep breath and get out of the car, slinging my bag over my shoulder. The ache is dulling; it doesn't bother me much today. I close the door and lock the it silently, letting her talk first.

"I'm sorry" she says quietly.

I stare at her in surprise. That wasn't one of the things I was expecting her to say. She notices my confusion and continues.

"We dumped this on you straight up. We should have slowly told you and explained it calmly, not just up and out with it" she explains.

"All of this is so quick" I mutter. "Hell, I've barely been here for a week and a half and look what's happened. I'm pregnant with a set of twins that scare the hell out of me, I've been forced into a club full of secrets, I've met a guy who seems to be all over the place, and I've had to start school and sort out most of my life, all of it entirely on my own."

"You're not all alone" she says, taking a step towards me and reaching out.

I step back, bumping into the car, lifting my hands to show her how badly I need to be untouched. If someone touches me, I'll crack, I know it. She drops her hands and sighs.

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