Epilogue: Vie Courante

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Cher Journal...

It's been a long while since we last talked huh? I look back now and wonder "How on earth did I get turned into a ship?" Well, at the very least I've gotten a much better grasp of how my rigging works, I can't thank the girls enough for teaching me.

And as if the days couldn't get any better, I finally married Dunkerque. Yep, after all those months of flirting and diddly-dallying, we finally tied the knot. I don't think I've ever seen Jean Bart that happy before which is a first, but don't tell her I said that. Now if you'll excuse me, Dunkerque is calling my name, she wants me to sample a new sweet that she's made. Until we meet again, old friend.


January 1st, 1962

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