Lured Minnows

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It took quite some time but eventually everyone managed to recover from their wounds and were ready to battle another day.

"Well, let's just hope that they don't decide to sent out Jacque on us again." Andre says. "He was already enough trouble as he was alone."

"I mean we may have done something to him too, so he could just be recovering as well." Algerie replies. "The sirens seem to work much like us so at least that gives me some idea of how their battle strategies work."

"After all these years they still haven't adapted better plans?" Andre chuckles.

"Either that or they're so good that they didn't bother to adapt better ones." Algerie says. "It's a grab bag really with those guys." Before Algerie can delve any further into possible tactics that the sirens could use, something rocks the docks, and upon further inspection it turns out to be a small flotilla of siren ships. "Or they could just be playing with us..."

"Whatever, let's just take them out before they do any more damage to the base." Andre mumbles. "Le Malin, Le Triomphant, I think you two know what to do. Emile, Algerie, back them up if need be."

"I thought I was the one in command here." Algerie giggles before doing as she's told, moving out with the two destroyers and Emile to intercept the attacking fleet. "Stay on guard everyone! Who knows if they have a stronger force waiting for us!"

"We'll be way too fast for them to even do anything!" Le Malin calls out, but suddenly one of the siren destroyers brings out a very odd looking weapon- one that resembles a giant tuning fork.

"What the heck is that?" Le Triomphant asks as she notices that the strange weapon is vibrating. The vibrations continue to get stronger, creating a strange field of energy around it.

"What in the world...?" Le Malin also asks, and eventually a pair of beams is fired from the strange weapon- striking the two destroyers and knocking them back. "OOF!"

"Are you two okay?!" Algerie asks.

"That was nothing!" Le Malin laughs. "What is that weird fork thing going to do to the likes... Of... Destroyers... What the?!" She trails off as she and Le Triomphant attempt to move, but find that they can't. That's when a lesser humanoid siren emerges and she snickers.

"Oh enjoy that while you can. It's our latest weapon." The siren giggles. "Should keep them in place for a while, using sound to entrap and immobilize the competition!"

"Huh?!" The French destroyers ask in shock as they try to move, but every lift of their feet drags them back to their original spot as if stuck in glue. "What the?!"

"Hope you like." The siren giggles some more, but she's too distracted and before she realizes it she gets her face caved in by Algerie's war hammer. The lesser siren goes flying off like a baseball, skidding along the surface of the water back to where she came from, and the Vichy cruiser proceeds to charge forth, smashing up all of the remaining siren ships with her hammer and leaving Emile and the destroyers surprised.

"Well, that's one way to deal with the sirens." Le Malin chuckles before grabbing her foot and trying to get it "unstuck" with little to no success. "Come on... Move!"

"I think you two might be stuck like that for a bit, at least until that sound thing dissipates." Algerie replies. "When it's gone just come back to the docks."

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