Trap Door

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With no exact way to bring Jacque out of his senses, the French Navy resorts to taking out the sirens themselves in order to break any links he may have with the aliens.

"It sounds a little crazy considering they are practically infinite in numbers, but I can assume they only brought so many into our world. They have to have a limited amount." Algerie says.

"Well this idea better work, because if not we're gonna be killing these guys til judgement day." Jean Bart replies. "Any ideas where they could be hiding out?"

"Nothing as of yet. We'd have to enlist a little extra help to find anything." Algerie says. "Got any good contacts?"

"I was considering the neighboring Ironbloods." Jean Bart replies. "Will they understand?"

"I'm sure they will. We did help them out after all, maybe they'll still extend that hospitality towards us?" Algerie asks.

"Well, one way to find out. Le Malin, why don't you go pay a visit to the Ironbloods and see if they'll lend a hand." Jean Bart says as she spots the destroyer walking nearby.

"You got it. I'll need escort though so sirens don't get to me." Le Malin replies.

"Have your sister and Emile come along." Algerie says, and the Vichy destroyer gives a thumbs up in response. With that said and done the three French ships make their way to Ironblood territory, and upon arrival at the docks, none other than the mighty Bismarck herself is standing idly, a cup of coffee in her hands.

"We're lucky, she seems to be in a good mood." Le Malin says as she and Le Triomphant step foot on the Ironblood docks, catching Bismarck's attention.

"It is rare to see you guys outside of your own territory." Bismarck says. Her face is hard to read but Emile picks ups confusion. "What brings you here little one? And with the Iris Libre girls let alone?"

"We have big trouble back at our own docks." Le Malin explains. "Our commander has been kidnapped by the sirens and turned into... Something."

"Our radars picked up an unknown ship a few days ago." Bismarck says. "It was tiny, giving off a reading as if it was one of our own kind, but it was allied with the sirens." The two destroyers almost immediately recognize that reading, and they grimace.

"...That's our commander. He's been turned into one of us." Le Malin replies, and Bismarck immediately spits out her coffee in shock.

"He's WHAT?!" Bismarck suddenly shouts.

"He's part ship now." Le Triomphant says. "And he's under the control of the sirens."

"If you need help, say no more." Bismarck replies. "This is a dire situation that nobody can easily overlook. Is there anything you need at the moment?"

"We're trying to find a siren hideout, but we suspect they might have gone underwater." Le Malin says.

"They could have just as easily hidden out in an island. Why don't you take me to Jean Bart and Richelieu? It seems like those two are on good terms now." Bismarck asks.

"We can do that. Would you like to bring someone along?" Emile asks back.

"Give me one second. If they have gone underwater, we're going to need her." Bismarck replies as she walks off for a brief moment and returns with a girl who sports purplish blue hair and pink eyes.

"Who is she?" Emile asks.

"U-556." Bismarck replies. "She'll be of good help to you guys. Now let's go, we mustn't waste time." And with that Bismarck and U-556 closely tail the French ships back to the base, hoping that Jacque hadn't decided to launch a sneak attack on them while they were out.

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