Steel Heart

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As Andre and the French Navy rush outside to see what's going on, they quickly identify their enemies- a bunch of random siren ships.

"Looks like they came a little unprepared." Le Malin chuckles.

"I wouldn't doubt their planning though, they could have something up their sleeves." Algerie mumbles. Eventually one of the elite sirens emerges- none other than Tester Beta.

"Lifeforms identified." Beta says in a robotic voice before she switches to a more human sounding one. "So you're probably wondering where your commander is huh?"

"Give him back!" Andre and Dunkerque shout.

"Gladly, although he might be a little more... Hostile than normal." Beta giggles evilly as she floats off to the side and the girls see the commander, but his head is slumped down, preventing them from seeing his face.

"Jacque!" Andre shouts, but Jacque does not respond. "What did you do to him?!"

"We... Made him a little like you guys!" Beta laughs as Jacque raises his head up to reveal that his eyes have gone yellow, not unlike what happened with the Iris girls, and rigging begins to emerge from his back. When it finally finishes setting in place, it's very clear that the sirens have copied the Richelieu class' rigging complete with decorated turrets, but they're a blood red instead of the pure white or pitch black that Richelieu and Jean Bart sport. "Now go Jacque, destroy your friends!" And without a single word spoken, Jacque charges forth and starts firing his cannons. Unlike the ones that the French battleships have been fitted with, these shells have a strange purple glow to them, as if modified by siren tech, and the resulting explosions are horrifying- one of the shells punches through a coastal defense gun before blowing it up from the inside out.

"Holy crap!" Andre yells as he dodges the shrapnel from the resulting explosion.

"I think we'll leave you be with him for now!" Beta laughs as she and the other siren ships retreat, leaving the girls and Andre to deal with the crazy commander.

"Jacque! Snap out of it!" Dunkerque shouts as she attempts to restrain her commander, only for him to pick up Dunkerque and throw her at Jean Bart, knocking the two of them over.

"OOF!" Jean Bart and Dunkerque shout, and when Algerie tries the same thing, she gets thrown into Richelieu instead.

"OW!" The two shout as they tumble all about.

"What the hell?!" Andre shouts as Jacque then trains his barrels on him. "Oh shit!" Andre yells as he just manages to dodge the shells that Jacque fires. "Jacque! It's your best friend! Why are you shooting at ME?!"

"WHOA!" Le Triomphant and Le Malin yell as Jacque then proceeds to pull out his sword and start clashing.

"Don't fatally injure him!" Andre shouts as the two destroyers clash with the commander. Despite their speed though, Jacque's brute force powers through, and it's not long before he sheathes his sword and hoists the two destroyers up. Again he does not say a single word before he tosses them back onto solid ground before he does the same with the other ships. It almost seems like Jacque is going to end them all right there, but suddenly he freezes in place. When he moves again he simply turns around and sails away, presumably to report to the sirens, leaving the French Navy battered and bruised, and needing a long time to recover from their injuries.

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