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I wipe the new onslaught of tears scrolling down my cheeks, it was clouding my vision as I drove down the straight road to the warehouse.

Mamba had called me a few minutes earlier and basically broken the news to me. "Hunter has been arrested." He said.

It took me a while to understand the English language in that moment, I think my brain actually stopped working for a split second.

The lawyer on retainer also says it's not looking too good as it's Hunter's third strike.

Being a former member myself, I knew how tight of a leash the Devil's Sons had on their operations so the first question I'd asked was "How did he get caught?" And then mamba had said something about O'Reilly snitching to the cops, I didn't really understand much since my thoughts wouldn't focus.

I reach the warehouse and immediately park my truck before alighting and heading straight in. "JJ what are you doing here? I told you I was taking care of it." Mamba chastises but I'm not listening, the only question on my mind being.

"Is he in there?" I could hear screams from the storage area of the warehouse, loud screams like someone being tortured. Mamba nods slowly.

I marched in there.

It smells like burning rubber when I enter the storage room. HOD in his element as tools of torture lay sprawled on the table. I walk around to face an unrecognizable O'Reilly and my hands begin to move on their own accord, hitting his face rapidly like rain showers hit the roof. Grunts of pain escape the man but my anger takes over me as tears well my eyes and more punches escape my fists.

"Stop it right now JJ." Mamba commands before pulling me off O'Reilly.

"What are you, my father?" Who knows he might be auditioning for the role since my real father is an ass-hat.

"I'm not gonna let you do something you'll regret. I told you it would be handled, alright?" Regret? Regret is that I didn't chain bruiser to my fucking bed. Of course I felt him pulling away yesterday, bidding goodbye but I hoped that it wasn't.

My brain wasn't functioning well.

"Now go home." I roll my eyes in defiance, who did he think he was talking to? "Look my bro is in there, therefore you're my responsibility now and I need you to get outta here right now." Blue eyes stare at me emotionlessly and I eventually succumb with a scoff.

"Whatever." I mumble before getting into my truck and driving off.


I must have fallen asleep on the couch where I'd cried myself to sleep, because a loud resounding knock on the door jolts me awake from the uneventful nap.

A deep ache sat in my chest, a longing feeling. A wanton need, a deep belly need that could only be quenched by one person.

Yet here I was quietly making my way to the door in the oddly quiet house, hoping and praying that this whole day was just a very expensive joke. Or the cameras would be out there waiting to ask me how the prank felt. I'll call them motherfuckers and bullshit a bit, but deep down, I'll be happy because everything would be back to as normal as my life is.

"Michelle?" The ebony skinned beautiful wife of the president stood at my door, hand raised to knock again. Her other hand held a box of cookies. Behind Michelle was a slightly taller dark skinned lady, her coily hair packed into an updo. She was dressed in tight leather pants, workman boots, and a black crop top leaving her silver belly button piercing on display. She gave off the bad chic aura in waves. She was stunning.

"Hey JJ, I'm sorry I just heard what happened. Figured I'll bring some cookies and ice cream by." I'm not sure that's what I needed right now but it's the thought that matters so I open the door wider and let the ladies in. "This is my cousin Selena." Michelle continues.

"Please call me Lena." Selena retorts with a bright smile and I'm quick to reciprocate. She seemed nice. "Bruiser huh?"

"You know him?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah, we've done some things together in the past."
A growl escapes me at the thought of her ugly paws on my man. "Slow down fighter." She waves dismissively. "I'm Guerrero's number two. Also his favorite hitman." She says the last part with a sly smirk. Oh shit. "Strictly business with your man." I release a breath of relief.

"I must say you're taking this calmer than I would have. If it seemed up to me, O'Reilly and his guys would be eating their dicks with the nastiest hot sauce I can find." Michelle states seriously.

"Mamba won't let me." I reply matter if factly.

"Of course he won't." Lena states with an eye roll.

The rest of their stay is uneventful as it's basically filled with Michelle mapping out ways she would have ended the D.S. Brooklyn guys while scarfing down all the cookies. Up until another knock sounds on my door.

I scoff before opening the door for mamba. As quick as a second, I barely even see it coming, only the sound of the knife lodging into the wall next to mamba's head. What the fuck?

"Lena" I yell eyes wide in surprise. A little more to the left and mamba's eyeball would have been replaced by a knife handle.

"Relax JJ if she wanted to kill me, she would have." He states dismissively like he didn't just almost become a dart board, except it was a knife and not a dart. "She's happy to see me." I'm not sure if he's serious or being sarcastic but I'm not going to ask. Michelle simply continues scarfing down the cookies and I join her, away from the blast zone.


Lena and Michelle were now gone. It was a little into the late night. It was a chilly one too.

"It's his third strike, Cox is going for remand until trial and she's pushing for the maximum conviction for his charges." My heart sinks.

Hunter was in no way innocent, so I wasn't going to stand here like an hypocrite and blindly defend him. But I love him and I witnessed how much he laid off the violence as much as he could.

"He doesn't want you to visit him." Mamba finishes. A piece of paper resting in his hand, ink rested on the lines of the sheet like a to-do list or something. My eyes widen at the instruction.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?" My voice cracks.

"Look JJ, my bro always has a reason for everything he does. I know for a fact that he cares for you, massively even if he won't say it. You're a priority to him so it hurts him as much as it does you maybe even more."

"You guys do weapons run together, so why is he in there and you're out here?" I didn't mean to be brash about the question but it comes out very snarly and hateful than I planned.

Guilt circles mamba's face as he casts his eyes to the floor, unable to look at me. "He surrendered for me and Cross to escape."

Not really knowing how I feel about that, I simply turn around and head back into my house.

Away from everything.

Devil's Sons M.C. (Manxman)Where stories live. Discover now