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"She keeps throwing the stress ball at the wall and glaring at the door." Bruiser whispers rather loudly to me. I give him an 'I don't know what to do either' look, because rather simply I don't know what to do. "She's your sister, do something dude."

I give him a bored look. Is he serious right now? "She's my sister and that's the exact reason why I'm hiding in here with you." I'm embarrassed. I flop on the bouncy bed and begin to reevaluate my life choices.

"This is not the time to look cute babe do something about that redhead glaring daggers at the door." I'm a redhead too I want to reply, but then my face betrays me at being called cute. Talk about mixed emotions and I wasn't even a blusher prior to all this.

Ever since my patching in ceremony that we've hooked up the very first time, it's over a month now and we still can't keep away from each other. Everywhere and every time we can and we're all over each other like ants on sugar. My butt feels sore nowadays and I just wish that maybe sometimes we can just talk or do other things. But I understand that Hunter is making up for lost time and so I give in again, plus it's good sex so I guess I'm lucky.

"Pardon me that I don't know how to approach the topic of my sister hearing us have sex." Bruiser had gone particularly had on me tonight after the rough day he had. The whole club vice president duties, and he and mamba on the outs and everyone has noticed that. He had been particularly tense and sex seemed to make him happy so I'd given in and we'd gone at it like usual.

Thing is we lost track of time and ultimately my loud moaning had woken Mel up from sleep and now she was laid outside my bedroom glaring daggers at the door. Talk about embarrassing, I said some things that I usually never even said all in the throngs of pleasure.

"You know what? I'll leave out the window so you can handle all this." My eyes widen of their own accord as Hunter throws on his leather cut and replaces his knife in the right place.

"You're seriously gonna leave me to handle all this?"

He closes the distance between us and molds our lips together for a short moment before pulling back. "You guys need alone time and my presence is only gonna worsen things so I'll just leave out the window frat boy style." I try to hold my laughter but it just ends up spilling. "I'll see you in the morning."

I peep out the door again, readying myself to do the dreaded walk of shame in front of my baby sister. What could be more embarrassing than that?

The ball hits the wall harder and I actually thought it would go through the poor surface, and that's just at the mere sight of me. Deep breaths I continue to chant in my head as I take slow steps to come out of the room.

I think I might have said the words 'daddy' once..... or twice, where did that even come from? I groan inwardly.

"Hey Mel." I drawl. Why am I talking like that? Kill me now.

How can I be the guardian and good role model and lawmaker in the house when I was moaning like a female dog in heat? That is not me at all, it's not my style. Seriously I'm so far up in the cloud of lust, breaking rules and blurred lines that I was doing things out of the normal.

I keep giving myself this false hopes for something more but all to what cost? I have a son and a sister to think about, they need me more than I need whatever this is that I'm doing.

With Hunter I just feel full both literally and metaphorically, like I don't have to be so coordinated and structured. We flirt, have sex in the most questionable places in the most questionable positions and I've never had that before. It's a forbidden fruit moment but one I thought I could easily desist from when the time came but I find out that I can't, instead I care too much to even think about it.

"I'm about to make some coffee, want some?" No response, silent treatment it is. I walk quickly to the kitchen to make the coffee. A quick glance at the clock and it's about 1:45am, who drinks coffee at this odd time? Me apparently. "Okay I'm sorry would you stop glaring and just say something." Still nothing. I can't exactly force her to speak so I set about making a sandwich. "You want some peanut butter and jelly?"

"No Jesse I'm full.. I mean like I'm not hungry." She quickly corrects. A snort leaves my mouth before I can even register it. That was not even necessary. "It's not funny Jesse." I see the smile threatening to fall from her lips too.

"I'm sorry, I was lost in the moment and just..... it won't happen again."

Mel's glare softens for like the first time all night as she takes a seat by the dining table. "As much as it feels great to hear you not worrying about me, I also need my 8 hours beauty sleep without the knowledge of you doing....all that." Kill me now. "Or like take it somewhere else?"

Thing is somehow we always end up back at mines and never Hunter's. I've only ever been at his house when he was sick weeks ago. I'd never really thought about it until now.

"So are you guys like together, I m-mean together as a couple not like together in any o-other way." I wish the floor will open up right about now.

"No we're not and that doesn't mean I encourage sex with someone who isn't your partner. I'm just grown enough to do it, but you're not at least till you're 58." Mel's eyes widen at my words. She's not allowed to have a boyfriend till she's 58 and that's that.

"58? Are you fucking kidding... are you kidding?" I hope this isn't a continuous thing.

"Nope by then I'm sure you're in menopause." I reply hurriedly before taking a large bite of my sandwich, not minding the 'are you crazy?' look being shot my way.

"You're funny and I'm going to bed. Thanks for the sandwich."

"Hey I asked if you wanted some." I roll my eyes at the sandwich thief, my other half sandwich now gone. I finish up with the half in hand and down my coffee before cleaning up and heading back to my bedroom.

The coffee might have been a bad idea because I couldn't sleep and my thoughts wouldn't stop. There's too much on my cards and too many things that could go wrong with just a single mistake from me.

It's weird that even with that conclusion, I still can't get a certain black haired blue eyed asshole VP biker guy out of my head.

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