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"No deliveries to the Yardie Boys till Declan handles his mole situation." Luke commands although I can see the anger bubbling through his demeanor. "I'm not putting any of the sons in harm's way." He finishes. "I'll call Drozdov to halt weapons flow for the meantime."

"If we stop sales to the Yardie boys it means we have to mule more grams to cover the impact. I don't think we're ready for that." I interject.

"So what are you saying VP, because I'm not letting you go into a gang zone."

"How about we reach out to Vardan, tell him we need the Armenians to do weapons runs for us and we split the money 70% to 30% in our favor and cost of muling is reduced too. It decreases our income but we're whole which is what counts. And it's temporary." I explain my thought to the group of men in the room, watching all of them weigh it in their minds.

"I agree with bruiser, but let's take a vote. All those in favor of Vardan taking over weapons delivery say Yea."

Major decisions like this had to be unanimous because it affected everyone's livelihood. Members that were absent would proxy in their votes. And so we took the vote and it was agreed for the Armenians to take weapons run, Luke and I would talk to both Declan and Vardan about the new arrangements.

After the calls are done and every party agreed to the new plan, I head out of the meeting room. Pain courses through my body from the bruises and cuts. I want to say it's like glass tearing through my body, but that's quite literal anyways.

"Come on, I'll clean you up." Mamba reached for the first aid box hung on the wall. I take a seat as he opened it and set out the materials. He began to clean the ones on my arm first and they hurt like hell. "That was a pretty smart suggestion in there bruiser, I swear you're the brains." I nod humbly, unable to reply mostly due to the mind numbing pain that has me forgetting the English language. "Capitan pass me a bottle of whiskey." He hands it to me and I take it gracefully, chugging a huge helping into my mouth.

The rest of the wound cleaning process is uneventful. Until mamba's phone rings. "Fucking hell."

"What's wrong brother?" I ask in concern.

"My aunt Maggie said cousin Amber is nowhere to be found and they need my help in the search."

"Doesn't she.....?"

"Don't even say it." He sighs heavily before grabbing his leather cut and shrugging it on. "Yeah I'll start there." I nod reassuringly at him. Every user knew the white house, and it wasn't called that because the president lived there. It was called that because every powder that could be sniffed or injected could be found there for sale. And lord knows his cousin Amber was a heavy user to a point where the sight of what she'd become is sickening. Hopefully she's okay. "JJ finish this."

Fuck I inwardly curse. He just had to walk in at that moment. Wait why am I bothered? Maybe I just need more of the liquid in my hand and so I chug down some more.

Slightly rough hands grab mine gently examine what needed to be done. He bends a little to my level since I'm on the couch and boy I really must need to get laid. All the thought in my mind is how much we can get done in this position of his and I feel myself getting hard. He makes me so frustrated without even trying and that in itself is frustrating. "Just slap a bandage on it and let's call it a day." I state gruffly, hoping my hard problem goes unnoticed.

He stares at me unmoving until I raise my eyebrows at him to get on with it. That's when he moves his sexy behind.

My arm was all wrapped and bandaged up now and it was onto the cuts on my face. Only two of them were deep enough to need a band-aid. JJ was impossibly closer to me now as he closes the space between us to apply the band-aid to the gash on my cheek and the other on the right temple.

"Why did you take Cross and not me?" I can feel his breath at the side of my face as he talked. Minty probably to cover the smell of cigarette, since we're both smokers anyways. His lips looked so soft and luscious and I just wanted to have a taste of them. Oh gosh I roll my eyes at my lewd thoughts about him. Maybe once I get in his pants and it's not worth my expectations, all this teenage horniness will stop.

You're safe aren't you? I want to reply but another thing comes out of my mouth. "I've not gotten in your pants yet and you're already questioning me prospect?" I spit a little maliciously at him, making sure to harden my gaze while speaking. He seemed taken back at first but unbothered afterward.

Sexual comments have always been an escape zone for me whenever I felt cornered or felt someone was getting too close. It's always better to have people at arms length, because it's not worth the hurt when the time comes.

"So getting in my pants is a sure way to have a nice and dry conversation with you?" I don't miss the light emphasis on the word dry. I roll my eyes at the reminder of the ungraceful moment.

"Maybe, maybe not, we can always give it a try." I suggest with a lazy smirk and I spot a smile threatening to fall from his lips but he doesn't budge.

He prods my head a little further to get more access to the injury on my temple that hurts like crazy actually. This way I'm granted a front seat row to see his concentrated face more clearly, his masculine features so strong and tight. Some strands of his mahogany hair fall onto his face and I just wanted to push it off to appreciate the view of how hot JJ was. I'm must be going out of my mind with lust for this prospect at this point.

"I try not to sleep with my superiors, you know it's a thing about discipline." He whispers somehow closer than before.

"Hierarchy is a way to make people feel better about themselves, outside of here consider us equals." I can't believe how desperate I sounded now just to get my cock sucked.

"You'd say anything to have me on my knees wouldn't you?" He asks teasingly. Although we were all finished at this point, neither of us moved from our positions as we just went back and forth breathing each other in and feeling the other up.

"Yeah I would, I want you." I state bluntly. We are both adults so no need to dilly dally about what was wanted here.

"I never said I succeeded." He smirks.


"I said I try not to never said I succeeded." Shit I could feel my hard member rubbing against the black jeans I was wearing painfully. It was throbbing waiting for release and the subject of my lust was making things incredibly harder, literally.

"So what do you say about getting on your knees?" I move his hair back in place as his green eyes focus on mine intensely.

JJ's mouth moves closer to my ear as the creamy skin on his neck peeks out and I only fantasize their shade after a round of sexual activities. "I say keep dreaming bruiser. I have to pick up my kid from his mother." And with that he saunters out of the warehouse. The leather cut with the letters prospect written behind it the evidence of his walking away in the opposite direction of my member.

What just happened? Is the only question I can ask myself before the fact even registers. He has a kid? Like a living creature that crawls, cries and eats? That's t-that's quite different.

Devil's Sons M.C. (Manxman)Where stories live. Discover now