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"Where are you?" My fingers move sporadically over the keys well screen of my phone as I type the message.

"Omw to pick up Laney." My phone dings a while later and I see that JJ has replied. "Wanna see him?"

I scowl at the device in my hands and I know the words that automatically form in my head as a reply. 'Fuck no' I want to type in but I find myself typing in "Whatever."

"Great I'll text the address, see ya ;-)" I roll my eyes at the reply. All these for sex I shake my head with a chuckle.

Hopping down from the boulder, I dust off the particles from my black pants and proceed to my motorcycle. I'd needed some quiet from all the bustling that came with the arrival of the guys from D.S. Brooklyn chapter, so I came to my spot to just be with my self.

I settle on my motorcycle and don on my helmet and shades to begin the drive to JJ's. Funny how he doesn't know that I'm well aware of where he lived. As the VP I prided myself in knowing where my guys lived in case of emergencies.

I pull up to the yellow colored house, the neatly trimmed lawn giving way to a small porch leading to the door. The simple two-storey craftsman structure with its white pillars on the outside, and the  wooden infrastructure stood very welcoming at the end of the street. It wasn't a massively huge house in the grand scheme of things but seemed homely enough for a family of a few persons.

I park my motorcycle right in front of the house before heading in. I rap my fist on the door twice and the patter of footsteps is quite loud as they approach the door.

The door opens to reveal the little one wielding a toy car in his hand. A little ironic considering his father is in a motorcycle club, I would expect a toy Harley but to each stands his own. The little one glances up at me, his head fully tilted to the back so he can see my face, the height difference is comical.

I'm not quite sure what to do, as we just stare at each other, me waiting for him to say or do something and I guess he waiting for me to do the same. I think my awkwardness intrigues the little one because soon enough I yelp out loud.

"Prospect, wanna explain why your kid is clinging to my leg?" I yell loudly. Giggles escape the little one clinging to my leg quite inconveniently I might add. A tiny smile dances on the prospects lips while a look of horror dons mine. "Get off me kid." I grunt while trying my best to pull the young and very adamant one off me. Whew he's quite an excited one.

"Come in bruiser." 'I plan to do that' I mumble to myself as JJ picks up the excitable one. I dust off the area where the little one squeezed on my pants before following JJ into the house.

The interior is just like I presumed it'll be, very simple, homely, and fitting. The color choices of the décor is quite eclectic, in terms of the various rows, blends, and shades of brown that bounce off the furniture to the walls and up the small stairs that I presume lead to the bedrooms.

I watch the prospect from the corner of my eyes, as he sets the weirdly excited one on his chair. He proceeds into the kitchen and I follow after him after observing the house.

"This is oddly domestic." I comment after a few seconds of watching JJ slice 2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in quarts. His pretty green eyes glaze over to me and a sly smirk overtakes his lips.

His many facets that I was beginning to see were very intriguing to say the least.

"Let me guess" He begins, "You don't do domestic."

"You're right, I don't do domestic." I agree and he simply eyes me oh so slowly, oh so sensually.

He fixes the sandwiches on a plate and fetches out the milk from the fridge. As if in a trance, or a spell of hypnosis, my eyes follow every single drop of the milk from the carton into the cup., every single lick of the white liquid.  I look up to see JJ's eyes readily focused on mine as if knowing the effect of just that simple action of pouring milk, I was rock hard just from looking.

It's pure torture.

I watch him walk slowly towards me, wielding the plate of quart cut sandwiches in one hand and the cup of milk in the other. I don't miss the sly smile he has on his lips as he brushes past me, too fast that I barely felt it, but oh so slow that the blood in my body pools to my nether regions. "That's a little sad." He whispers.

He sets the meal in front of the cheery one who says his quite adorable thanks. Their father-son dynamic is special if I do say so myself.

"It's sentimental, I don't do sentimental." I reply gruffly.

JJ settles atop the edge of the dining table, which is directly opposite where I'm standing right next to the fridge. One of his legs sits on the dining chair and the other drops, settling on the floor. That position grants me a front row seat to the muscles that ripple in his body and I inwardly groan. How much I would give to have those muscles rippling under me or over me as he takes my cock into that delectable ass or rides me like a fucking Harley.

Saliva pools in my mouth at just the thought.

The little minx knows what he's doing too as the sly smile on his face doesn't leave, knowing how much I was bothered down there. Instead he opens his legs wider, just a little wider where his shorts ride a little higher and my eyes follow the thread of light body hair up the path to the lump between those long legs.

Fuck me.

No one, not a soul, and not one body has brought me to the brink of torture and sheer lustful insanity without even a touch.

"You won't know unless you try it." I'm snapped out of my thoughts by JJ's husky voice. I guess I'm not the only one feeling the other.

"So you're gonna let me fuck or what, you know in the spirit of trying things?" I quirk my eyebrows and close the distance between us, I stand in between JJ's legs. A smirk dances on my lips as I watch his eyes follow my lips as the words spill out.

He won't be holding out much longer, I can guarantee that.

I'm so close to my price, so close. "Dada" The giggly one calls out.

With a small chuckle, the prospect hops down to go answer the excited one's call. I groan in cockblocking pain, literally I felt like my dick would fall off from how hard it was at the moment.

My phone chirps as a call comes in, it's Bobby Nitro.

"Furniture delivery VP." That was our code for weapons delivery from the Russians. I mumble out my okay and disconnect the call.

"Duty calls?" JJ asks as he comes back to his earlier position. I'm not one for imagining things but I swear I sense some dejection from his demeanor.

"Yeah." I pocket my phone back into my leather cut. "You keep that ass warm for me, alright?" A warm blush spreads over his cheek instantly and a large smile appears on my face. He pulls off cute and sexy at the same time and quite easily too.

"In your dreams." He replies as we walk to the door. The cockblocking one is so engrossed in paw patrol that I don't think he notices or hears our conversation, or flirting more like.

"Are you sure you want that?" I quirk my eyebrows in hint towards the very impure thoughts in my dreams. If it was my dreams he would be on his knees right now and it's not to pray. "Because my dreams always come true." I finish as my hand reaches for the door and open it.

I glance back when I hear JJ suck in a breath. His flustered face would almost match his mahogany hair in color. It's such a pretty sight.

"Bye bruiser." He slams the door in my face and a rumble of laughter escapes me.

You'll be under me in due time, don't you worry baby. I fire up my bike and head straight to the club's warehouse.


It's nighttime when I'm leaving the warehouse that I eventually check my phone again. Receiving the orders from Drozdov, and taking the inventory of the stock is usually such a long process.

There's a single message from JJ winky face, heart sign.

I was just out and I saw your friend mamba speaking to the lady ADA. Just thought you should know.

What in the actual....? Mamba and ADA Cox?

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