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Abel POV
  So I messed up. I love Skyler, I trust her with my life and I haven't even known her for all that long. But Erika was amazing I've known her my whole life but she has been practically engaged to Conner Spence we were 8. With that being said she has known sense before I became well, what I am to day. People say don't let it control you but, I just don't know how. I'm not ok with Dad getting over Mom. I love Emma but she isn't my Mom. Of course Lilith is excited but, they are both her parents she has wanted this sense she and her mom ran away. But with that being said Skyler is the only one who can break me out of flashbacks and that kind of stuff, but Erika can always calm me down afterwards. I don't want to choose. But lucky me they both promised they would stay my friends no matter what.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Skyler POV
I've sat around all day. Not because I'm still a grey at Abel. Until right now my mind was off of Abel, I have been texting Faith. She is great to talk too. Beep Beep! My phone buzzed. Must be Faith, oh no it is Abel!
A: hey Skyler, were have you been?
A:ok I deserve that, but I'm sorry
S: ok what's up?
A: oh just seeing if you want to meet up with the gang.
S: ok when.
A: sane time sane place as always.
S: k sounds good bye, Ghost.😏
A: really
S: k fine bye Abel
A: bye Skyler

Ok maybe it was a little mean to call him Ghost, but he deserves it. But I guess me him Erika, Lilith, and Conner are going to meat up at the park. Something to look forward to I guess.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Erika POV
We are having a group meeting. It's going to be the first time I've talked to Conner sense the incident. I'm kinda scared, but I noticed him and Skyler got really close and act like that was no problem but me and Abel...Ok ours was a bit more, but I'm hopping we can put it behind us. I honestly hope Abel picks Skyler, I can be free and not be tethered to the Callery-Akins even it's he is a Villareal. I'm glad Skyler isn't being to four about it towards me, actually we've stayed close. I don't know it's it is forgive and forget or keep your friends close and your enemies closer. But she just started blowing up my phone!
S: I messed up
S:like seriously
S: I called Abel Ghost 😭
E: wait why
S: idk I'm stupid
E: I don't think he would get to mad but then again it's Abel.
S: I know darn those Villareals!!
E:lol I can relate. your coming to the park right
S: yeah
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Skyler POV
  As soon as I got to the park, I found Conner. Never thought it would be better to talk to him than Abel but here I am. "Hey bro." I said sitting next to him beside the pond. "What up Skyler." He said turning to me. "A lot of stuff." I sighed. "Spill, I won't tell no one." I hardly believe that but I'm going to tell him either way. "My Mom doesn't think I should hang out with you guys, but I'm not going to listen. Also you know the whole Erika Abel situation." I told him. "He nodded, we not be the best people in the word but our family has to be the happiest." He said before I heard someone behind me. "You'd surprised." Abel mentioned behind us. "Well technically your a Villareal through and through." Conner stared. He wasn't wrong Abel isn't even related to the Callery-Akiens. "Ouch." Abel laughed. "Well is being Villareal a bad thing?" I asked before we all laughed. "Yeah sometimes." Lilith said. Until than I didn't even notice she was there, which is off brand for her. "Sorry I'm late." Erika yelled from all the way across the pond. When  she finally made her way to us Abel pulled us to the side. "Can I talk to Y'all in private?" We both nodded. We walked to the other side of the park and sat under a patch of Cherry trees. "Well do what you want to talk about." Erika asked. "Umm, well. You both are amazing people, and please don't get mad at me for what ever choice I make." He reason "I promise." Me and Erika said at the exact same time. "I choose,"
Who do y'all ship more Skybel or Arika /I don't know how to shop there names :(\  Your thoughts may sway my choice, and Ashley is, well I don't think there is away around her so she will probably show up a few chapters down the rode unless y'all think it's a horrible idea. But drama is fun to write. And also remember what Clare said, "The dream is broken, and it's always going to be broken."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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