Secret in the woods

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Erika POV
   When I arrived at the cabin I felt a lot happier. The woods has always been my safe place. The one place where I didn't have to worry about running into Conner, or do what people expect me too. The woods were my freedom.
    I still worried about Abel, but I promised myself I wasn't gonna look for him this week. I need to get away.                                                                                                 I was sitting on my bed braiding my hair when Charlie Rose walked in. Who was I to think I could escape that family. "Hi." I say. "I'm the only one no Conner." She smirked. Did Lilith tell her? "What you doin hear?" I ask trying to sound polite. I was expect to act like an amazing human being around the Callery-Aikens. "Oh just checking in on all my friends." She said. "I'm gonna go I guess." Charlie said walking out the door. I've been told I wear my emotions on my face, but how bad could it be?
~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     it has been 2 days of camp and it's been amazing. We went bird watching, ate s'mores and so so much more. Today we are going fishing, which I could practically win a gold medal for how good I am at it! I'm not bragging just telling the truth.
     When we got to the river I caught 5 large mouth bass. My family combined (not including me.) only got 3. Everyone packed up and headed back to the cabin. I stayed because water is calming.
      I was siting next to the river reading, when I heard someone sneeze. I looked up and my eyes met with some bright pink eyes. I blinked and and they were hiding. I searched for a little while before I ran across a small camp. With a black haired boy cooking a fish over a fire. I knew it was Abel. "Umm, excuse you!" I yelled. He turned and nearly fell backwards when he saw me "Hi... Erika." He said. I started a cry and hugged him. "We thought you were gone,hurt or maybe even dead. Why would you that to Lilith, Skyler, Max, Emma, and all the other people. He looked at the ground and said, "Sorry." Sorry isn't going to cut it at all but I let it slide. I hugged him again crying harder. "I thought you were dead." I finally mange to say. "I never thought I meant anything to anyone." He said looking ashamed of himself. "Well, you were very wrong. You mean everything to Lilith. Can't for get Skyler Emma Max Conner and everyone else. And you hurt me, never relived but you mean a lot to me Abel. I didn't know what to do if you were really gone forever." I explained. He stared right into my eyes. Never realized how much warmer his eyes were than Lilith's her eyes would stair through you, his seemed to be full of wonder. Than he did something very unexpected. He kissed me. Right than the world didn't madder, no Conner, or having to look perfect, just me and Abel. When he backed away we stared at each other for a couple of minutes before I smiled. My mind is decided Conner doesn't deserve me.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Abel POV
I kissed Erika! She found me and, I never realized she felt how she did, I knew I did though. Skyler was amazing and how am I going to tell her we aren't dating? Ugh painted myself into a corner. Oh god... How am I going to explain to Conner? Erika!!! Why did you have to mess with my head when I'm already unstable. I can't leave the woods yet I'm just not mentally prepared to talk to Emma or Evan look at the rage of Lilith. I explain to Erika this. She understood, than she told her mom that she was going over to Evie's but actually stayed with me. We stargazed for a little while. I know this family is known for crazy eyes. James' big eyes, the Villareal pink eyes, Faith had vibrant green, Conner and Ryder had very bright blue eyes, And Salma had red eyes. But Erika's golden brown eyes were just as pretty as any of them.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Skyler POV
   My thoughts raced around as I drew at my desk. Erika was supposed to be home 3 days ago but keeps going over to, well I don't know she just says a friend. She also seems very peppy which is weird she has been messed up ever sense Abel ran away. Even Conner is confused. No one bounces back that fast. So one day followed her after school. Holly Spicer tried to talk me out of it. Saying good friends don't ease drop and invade each other's privacy, well kinda said that she say a bunch of weird words and sound like Shakespeare. I was going anyway and Conner was coming with me. I followed her into the woods. No one lived in the woods last time I checked well beside for Ashley Collins but she was your average hate everyone don't step on my property kinda girl. Erika hoped across the river and walked deep into the woods. "Where the heck is she going?" Conner whispered. "I don't know." I answered. We followed her and what I saw shocked me. I saw pink eyes look up from behind a tent. But what I saw next rattled me yo my core, he went and Kissed Erika. I look at Conner he is heart broken. "Well we found Ab..." he was interrupted when we heard "what the Hell are you doing here" shouted at us. I looked up to see a scared, sad, and maybe even angry Abel.
He guys, I have loved righting this story. If you have any ideas just comment it. Also do you Ship Cerika or Aberika. (How do you shop Abel and Erika.) also poor Skyler her feeling kinda got forgot during my drive to make Erika key in the story line. Also changed the cover. Hope y'all enjoyed it so far, talk soon.

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