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Skyler POV
     I've aways lived in San Marshino. But mom thought it would be a great idea to move to Windenburg. So far all I've done is made a reck!
      I saw a boy get bullied today. He had jet black hair that was parted to the left with just a little covering his face. He had yellow ish pale skin. When I said hi he looked up at me. He had the most beautiful ruby pink eyes. We had a short conversation before the popular boy Conner pushed me Away to talk to him.
      I quickly learned he was known as Ghost. Only two people in the school knew his name. Which so happened to be Conner and Erika. Windenburg's power couple. They did invite me to there group the day after my encounter with Ghost. Stating I was highly recommended by a friend. I smiled holding it was Ghost.
     "Hey Conner may I speak to you for a moment I asked. The bell had just rang for us to go home so I hoped he had time. " Yeah sure. What is it?" Conner asked. "About Ghost, why does he act how he does. I'm not trying to be rude I just want to understand him some more." I dated hoping I wasn't coming off stupid or mean. "Well he has gone through a lot. You know he has talked about you for the past few days here is his number. Maybe you should text him." Conner recommended. I was flattered. Had Ghost liked me. Maybe we could be friends.
      When I got home the gist thing I did was text Ghost.
Me:Hey, this is Skyler. I got your number from a friend.
Ghost: oh hi Skyler I just got the email on who my science lab partner is.
I looked to see I was partnered with a Villareal. The list only had last names dang it wish it had first.
Ghost: I'm partnered with a Wilcock
Me: that's my last name yay guess we are partners. Your last name is Villareal right?
Ghost: yup
Me: we are going to have to meet at your house mine well I haven't unpacked.
This was completely untrue I just wanted to see his house.
Ghost: ok sounds good I will drive you there after school.
Me: see you
Ghost: see you too
The next day came so fast and went so slow. By the time it was lunch I could barely hold my avocado toast I was so eager to get to Ghost house. "Someone is excited for something." Said Layla one of my new popular friends. "Oh I'm just going to a boys house after school." I said smiling. Conner smirked and said, "I bet I know who's house it is." "Bet you could Conner. Just by the way thanks." I said. "Anytime Helping two friends at once makes my job easier." Conner said laughing. Everyone else at the table looked confused. Oh well I thought.
         Then it was finally the end of the school day. I walked to school so I wouldn't have to Lear my car somewhere. I soon saw Ghost come over towards my direction. He definitely doesn't look like someone who would be bullied he was wearing a red t-shirt, a black leather jacket, and  black jeans. "Hey you ready to go?" He said. I nodded. When we walked over to his car I was flabbergasted. "Your kidding right?" I said starring at a red corvette. "Nope." He replied we got in the car and drove off. It was a far way to his house. We talked a lot. I learned he loved Salvedoria. It was a jungle. I vacationed there once. I also learned he was very friendly if you can just get your way through his broken emotions. We talked and talked for what seemed like forever. The we had to stop at the Boat dock. We jumped in a nice pink , red, and black boat. When we got to this island." Wow this place is very privet." I said. "There is only like 3 houses her" he replied. I assumed he lived in one of the cabins. But I was majorly wrong. He lived in a mansion! "Well, here we are the Villareal Mansion!" He said looking happy. When he opened the door I saw a grey torpedo running for me. It was a small fox. "Aww, is she yours?" I asked. "Well kinda, but she really belongs to my half sister Lilith." Ghost said. "Stop calling me half sister. We have lived to get her more than half your life!" A tall girl with the same pink eyes as Ghost, but hers had a hint of grey fords the end. She had long pastel pink hair. And heavy makeup, but some how she didn't make it look like to much. "Who is this." She asked. "This is Skyler she new here. And Skyler this is my sister Lilith." Ghost said. She gave me a long look down. Her eyes stared right into my soul. She was kinda scary actually. "Let's go to my room." Ghost said walking inside. As I went to try and get in Lilith stopped me. "Your the Skyler he won't stop talking about?" She said staring at me with a sharp expression. "I believe so." I replied. Omg has he actually liked me? This is crazy. Lilith moved out of my way and I followed Ghost to his room. I couldn't help but notice that each room had like 5 smoke detectors. I understand wanting to be safe but that's just a little over kill. "Is it that weird?" Ghost asked. Can he read mines or something ,he has done this all day? " May I ask why do you have a bunch of alarms all around?" I asked. But then we stepped into his room it was freezing not to mention there was 3 smoke detectors one each and every wall. "Scared off fire?" I asked. "Umm, it's more than that but... um never mind." He said trailing off. We got to talking I found he had once traveled to Salvadoria for a vacation well a sorta vacation, his words not mine. " May I ask why are you so secretive you seem normal, well better than normal, I mean..." I started to embarrass myself. Didn't help I started blushing. I did notice him blush too. Then he smiled! He was even more adorable when he smiled! "My name is Abel." He said to me. Wow did he just tell me his name! Wow guess I'm not being a weirdo after all.
"Wait Abel dud you just tell me your name?" I said smiling. "Yeah, I trust you. I mean I have a lot of other stuff to tell but I'm afraid to scare you away." He said blushing. "I would never run from you." I said. Omg why did I just say that. I'm and idiot. "Wow your the first person I wasn't related to who would even say anything like that to me, well besides for Erika but she is practically family." Abel said. "I have PTSD. When you see me starring off half the time I'm seeing my mom." Abel said nearly in tears. I scooted closer to him. "What happened to your mom?" I asked. "She was a horrible cook, trying to make a grilled cheese, she caught the whole house on fire. Lilith had to grab me and run. She ended up tuning back inside for dad. But by the time we had a chance to get mom..." he stopped completely breaking down. I hugged him. "That's horrible, but she is in a better place." I said. Well that's all I could think of. What do you tell some one telling you they watched their mom die when he was 6? "You wanna be friends?" I asked. "Definitely !" he replied.

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