Marshall ~ Lilly

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"Cousin, I am the only one who knows what the berries look like. I shall go. Perhaps you should take someone to explore the area with you."

He tried to give me what Meghan calls a 'staredown,' but I would not have it. He sighed and nodded. "Fine. How about I bring all of them, and you can have peace once you find the berries."

"I'd actually prefer to stay with Lilly, if that's okay with you, Hanan," Marshall offered, leaning against a tree.

"He would be useful to me," I added, hoping to persuade him. His look seemed hesitant.

"Well...if you're sure he'd be helpful..."

"Positive. Now go; attempt to have fun."

They all left, slowly and constantly looking back. I looked to Marshall as soon as they were out of sight. "Have you ever heard of a Sicoja berry?"

"I have not."

"That is fine. I did not expect such. But I do believe that you will be helpful in preparing the medication. You know what simple blackberries look like, of course?"

"Yes. They're delicious."

"Good. Would you find a handful for me?" He nodded. "We'll meet back here, and be careful; I know not what lurks here."

We separated, perhaps against my better judgment, but I let it happen anyway. I kept a careful eye out for the berries, but listened even more carefully for Marshall. He was my responsibility out here.

I checked my watch, and it told me I had been searching for over an hour. I was about to turn back, defeated, when the Sicoja Berry Bush appeared in my view. I ran to it, quickly filling my pack with the berries. Then I sped back to Marshall.

He was anxiously pacing across the camp we had established, ignoring all of Nightshade's pleas to sit down. When he saw me, he ran over and grabbed my arm, coughing a little.

"Lilly, I thought something had happened! Don't ever be gone so long!"

"I am perfectly fine, Marshall, and able to take care of myself. But I found the berries! Being gone for so long paid off!"

"Good! I found an abundance of blackberries, so I took two trips. I thought the others would like some too."

"A fine idea, Marshall. I am positive that they will appreciate it. Now, have you any empty pill bottles?"

"Yeah. I have three," he replied, pulling the empty canisters out of his bag.

"Good. I shall use them, if you do not object, for the new medication."

He allowed me to use them, and finally sat. I remained standing, grabbing the needles from a nearby pine tree. I instructed Marshall to take one of the Sicoja berries and eat it, despite its bitter taste. He did, making a horrified face.

"I'm going to have to eat that everyday?"

"No. That is the use of the blackberries. When combined with the Sicoja berry, the taste is supposed to be quite wonderful. Would you be willing to try them together?"

Hesitantly, he put them both in his mouth. His eyes widened and he exclaimed at how delicious it became. I nodded in response, relieved that he enjoyed it.

I mixed the blackberries with the Sicoja berries, adding in an even ratio. When I had mashed the berries, adding a little water, I threw the pine needles into the mix. He looked at the dark, gooey mess and made a small noise of disgust.

"Do not worry, Marshall. It will look better once it becomes less like paste. The needles will be removed soon, too."

"If you're sure..."

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