Mack's Note

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Hey guys!

So, you probably hate me right now for what happened to Meghan...but I'm going to add fuel to the fire and tell you that I won't be posting the first chapter of book 2 until September.

However, in the time that I take "off," I will be typing until my fingers bleed for you! Hopefully that means posting for this next book will be more regular, and I'll be able to keep up more.

To regain your love, I want to give you a sneak peek into what each of our beloved characters are feeling about Meghan in the next book: A Secret Unleashed.

Hanan has lost complete faith in himself, in his leadership skills, and in his accountability as a friend, and it's affecting everyone around him.

Marshall, although devastated by the loss of Meghan, determines that he will stay strong and finish this race for her.

Cameron is still Cameron. He aims to gain Lilly's respect, if not her love, and will go to any length to earn it.

Louis deals with Meghan's death in his own way: shutting up and ignoring it. Confrontation does not end well.

Lilly's rationality about the situation keeps her focused and on point. But can she work when the team grows?

Love you all (and hopefully you still love me)!

-Mack ♡

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