What a Nice Trip to the Park

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Chapter 9

Haley's Point of View

I couldn't find it.

I looked everywhere. I knew for sure that I left it on my bedside table, but it wasn't there. Last night when Chris and I got home, I went straight to my room and went to bed. I didn't even think of the journal. The next morning when I woke up, I noticed its absence from my room. I wondered where it could have disappeared to.

"Chris!" I yelled. In less than two seconds he was upstairs and at my side. I mentally noted that he had werewolf speed. I gave him an accusing stare.

"Where is it?" I asked rudely.

"Where is what?" He questioned confused.

"Don't play dumb. Where's the journal?" I asked getting impatient.

"What journal?" He questioned completely confused. I looked at his puzzled face. He really didn't take it.

"I must have misplaced it." I breathed out, running my hand through my hair and trying to think of all the possible places I could have put it.

"Well, whatever journal you're talking about, I'm sure it will probably turn up." He smiled genuinely.

"Yeah. I guess." I sighed.

"Hey. Go get yourself cleaned up. We're going somewhere today." He gleamed while pushing me towards the bathroom.

"Where? Can't I just stay home? Last time I left the house I got bit by some rabid dog." I whined. Chris just laughed and shook his head.

"Be ready in thirty." He smirked.

"Minutes or hours." I smirked back.

Chris walked out of the bathroom and I turned around to close the door. Reaching over to the shower to turn the water on, I started undressing and got into the shower. The warmth of the hot water relaxed me as it streamed across my body. I stood there enjoying the moment of peace I had, but then the tears came, swimming down my cheeks, and mixing with the water from the shower. I wondered why my life had to be so confusing. A month before any of this had happened, I would've never imagined being bitten by a werewolf, because I didn't even know they existed. Now, here lied this big, ugly bite mark on my neck, reminding me of the pain I suffered through and all of the lies along with it. I forgave Chris and my family for their decent because I truly believed they were trying to protect me, but that didn't take away the hurt and betrayal I felt from it. I pressed my head closer to the shower head to let the water wash away my tears. I knew that the whole werewolf business was my life now and I would have to get use to it.

I finished up my shower, getting dressed in a pair of white sweatpants and a blue sweatshirt with white letters on it. I slipped on my fuzzy boots and my necklace, the one Andrew gave me, and then I pulled my hair to the side into a simple braid.

"You ready, Haley?" Chris called from downstairs. I didn't answer, but just walked downstairs. I didn't feel like yelling. Downstairs, I saw Chris standing by the door. He was holding it open for me and I just couldn't help but smile at the sweet gesture.

"Are you going to tell me where we are going?" I asked as I passed through the doorway, Chris following after me.

"I don't know where we are going. He just told me to have you ready." Chris said with a smile.

"What do you mean, he?" I asked, but my question was answered by the man leaning against a black BMW in our driveway.

"Dad!" I yelled running to him. He smiled and engulfed me into a hug.

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