A Jewelry Store

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Chapter 3

My classes flew by fast, it already being lunchtime.

I stood in front of my locker shoving books into it when Josh and Luke came up behind me. I figured that it must have been the highlight of their lives to annoy me.  

“Why look what we have here Luke.” Josh smiled to him. 

“Ah, if it isn’t our dear Haley.” Luke replied smiling back. 

“Yeah and look what we have here. Two dumbbells that have no life.” I responded trying to walk around them. 

“Ouch. That’s hurts.” Josh said acting as if he was offended by my words. 

“It was meant to, now would you two goons move out of my way so I can go to lunch?” I asked annoyed. 

“Maybe for a kiss.” Luke said pointing at his lips. I busted out laughing. 

“Sorry, I’m not desperate. You’ll have to find someone else.” I laughed. 

“What are you implying?” Luke questioned trying to be offended but failing from his laughter. 

“You know what I’m implying, now move.” I demanded shoving them out of my way and walking towards the lunchroom. Sadly, they caught up to me and started walking with me.

“What makes you think a girl has to be desperate to kiss me?” Luke laughed. 

“Oh...No reason. Just that you’re...Well...You.” Josh busted out laughing at my comment. 

“I wouldn’t be laughing if I were you. I bet he gets more girls than you do.” It was Luke’s turn to bust out laughing. Josh just shrugged. 

As we approached the lunchroom, I saw Chris. Thank the Lord! I thought. Now his friends will leave me alone.

“Chris!” I yelled. He looked at me and then walked over by us. 

“What?” He asked annoyed.

“Your friends won’t leave me alone. Please take them with you.” He smirked.

“Nah...If I take them with me then they’ll just bother me. I think they are better off with you.” He said amused. 

“No! Take your friends!” I demanded. He just laughed. 

“Hey guys, I’m gonna go talk to the new girl, okay?” Chris said looking at Luke and Josh. 

“No way! I called dibs on Ashlyn!” Josh yelled. 

“No! I called dibs!” Luke yelled. Josh and Luke got into an argument about who called dibs. Chris and I kind of just watched their nonsense for a second and then Chris spoke up. 

“Well, I was going to ask if you guys wanted to come, but I see that you two are too busy messing with my sister.” He laughed while turning on his heel and walking away. Luke and Josh hurried behind him and walked with him. Glad to see that my brother genuinely cared about me, I walked to the lunch line to get some food. I got some pizza and an apple and then I walked over to Hanna and Elizabeth who were saving me a seat. 

“Hey guys.” I smiled. 

“Hey girly!” Elizabeth beamed to me. 

“What took you so long?” Hanna questioned with curiosity. 

“Luke and Josh...” I groaned. 

“Oh, anyway, Haley, I would like you to meet Max.” Hanna smiled brightly over at a guy sitting beside her. He was rather short, 5’4”. He had light brown eyes and black hair. He was defiantly built like my brother so I figured he was an athlete. 

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