Glossary P4 - Definitions/Explanations

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This glossary contains key reference information within Blood Moon Born, including maps of locations, translations of runes and Sa-Ilari, and more:

Trava: Incredibly rare, poisonous grass-like plant found in the swamps of Ayuin-Jestra. Can be found/sold on the black market. Trava makes your skin violet, turns your tongue violet, and smells like ash

Boneset: A weed-like herb believed to have protective properties

Watchers: Dolls made of whatever bits and pieces you can find (corn husks, fabric, wood, clay). Inside the dolls, you put a strand of hair from everyone in the household you want to protect, wrap with boneset, pray over them from the god of your choosing, then put a metal coin inside (preferably iron). You put them in/near your home to protect it from darklings & demons.

Blood Brothers: Thought to be their own separate race — somewhere between mortal, mage, and darkling. They look like mortals, all have the ability to use magic, and most of them are changelings or able to possess/see through the bodies of animals. There are four blood brother holds in a country in each corner of the Known World (Sa, Hamal, Sisari, Obiahis). The blood brothers train their abilities in these holds which are completely secret & closed off from the rest of the society. They study weapons training, runic magic, and once they're done, they act as hunters, bodyguards, mercenaries, soldiers, contracted mages, etc.

Eloi: "Eloi" is the name given to original vampires or those in the born line original vampires. They have abilities not found in turned vampires: natural magic, day-walking, the ability to feed off of other vampires as well as mortals, resistance against magic weapons, the ability to glamour other vampires and darklings, the ability to glamour more than one person at a time, some forms of mind-reading, and more. The closer in line born Eloi are of their original ancestors, the stronger all of these abilities are. Furthermore, their blood is desirable to vampires and practitioners of magic since it offers unique healing properties and gives the consumer some of these Eloi abilities. Eloi all come from Sa, the birthplace of magic. There is no official knowledge of how many currently exist in the Known World.


Festival of Cadrin: An annual Siimonien festival to celebrate a brave Siimonien knight who single-handedly warded off a northern invasion from Hamal 200 years before this story takes place. Practitioners celebrate within a festival in the city where they bake special goods from ancient Siimone, sell toy swords and shields, play war drums, and put on reenactments and story-telling of the day, etc. The official holiday lasts sundown to sunset, the period of time Cadrin fought off the Hamala soldiers.

Anoxavei: A Sa-specific holiday focused on Nox that happens once every three years. It's believed that on this day, Nox can listen to the voices of his followers. Practitioners celebrate first by bringing flowers and other symbols of life to their friends, tribesmen, and loved ones. After this, they offer up sacrifices (hunted animals) to Nox combined with their own blood, and chant their prayers into a ceremonial fire. After the sacrifices, they celebrate till sunrise as if they won't live the next day. This holiday exists only in Sa and mostly in Sa-Ilari in the concentrated tribes.

Atchuit: A companion/reverse holiday to Anoxavei that happens every six years. During Atchuit, Eavai—the goddess of the gates—and her army, take a break from guarding the demons. Any demon who can find there where across the Void and into the mortal realm may do so for one night, until Eavai and her army's return. Followers of Nox often lock themselves in their homes with protective measures, but it's also a coming-of-age tradition for new hunters or hunters who want to test themselves to spend the entire night outdoors, welcoming the demons for a fight.

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