Chapter Sixteen

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"Shit. Shit, Loae, if you're right—" Roan started.

"We have to focus," Loae said. "Nothing matters but finding Kodi before nightfall. Got it?"

Roan looked towards the windows, at the orange light of sunset filtering in through the windows.

"If I'd paid attention to where they were going, if I only remembered..."

"Focus," Loae said.

"You're right," Roan gasped, "You're right." He squeezed his eyes shut and when he opened them again, the fear and trembling was gone. "We're going to need help to find him. And if you're right...if he's really summoned a demon, we're going to need more help than the two of us and a couple of hunters."

"I'm going to Iron's Breath to free Isran," Loae said. "And see if he...if he can help."

"Good," Roan said. "I'll get together every free hunter I can find." He caught Loae's face in his hand. "Be safe."

"Be safe," she said with a nod before bolting for the stables.


Loae threw open the door to Iron's Breath. She rushed to Isran's study to find the entrance to the crypt still open. She dove down there, absorbing the fall better than she had the previous time. She raced around the corner, lighting a great ball of witchlight to guide her way. She stood before the crypt. Where was the necklace? Where was the necklace? Then she spotted a broken chain in the dirt. She swept it up. The pendant was cracked, perhaps from when they were throwing each other around. Loae threw down the necklace. She had to get the crypt open and fast.

Loae sealed her eyes shut.

Seven Dead, I summon you to open this crypt.

Her blood sizzled and she rocked backwards as the breath was sucked out of her. But when she reopened her eyes, she found the Seven Dead standing before her in a semi-circle.

Their voices echoed back at her.

"Burning through the Eloi's blood so fast, sister?"

"Keep draining your magic and you'll need to feed again."

"Tongue wet for blood, Lo-ae?"

"I didn't summon you to ask your advice," Loae snapped. "I summon you to open this crypt!"

"As you wish, sister."

The Seven Dead turned in unison to face the crypt. They raised their skeletal hands out into the air. And suddenly, the runes of the crypt lit up one by one, until all had been lit. But instead of the door rolling aside as it had before, it began to crack. First, a loud, resounding crack down the middle. Then it splintered off into more cracks, until the entire circle of stone shattered and great chunks of stone fell into the ground, crashing. A dust of smoke arose around her.

She felt the deep bite of magic being stolen from her. The Seven Dead vanished. The smoke cleared.

And there was Isran. He looked haggard, his eyes sunken in. Guilt shot into Loae's chest.

She stepped forward. "Isran—"

He shot out of the crypt and slammed her all the way into the into the far wall, pinning her there.

"Betl kna," he whispered. Heal me.

Then without a second to wait, his fangs dug into her throat. Loae gasped as she felt the quick prick of the fangs, then the stab as they went deeper. She didn't fight against him. Instead, she lit her healing rune and held him.They slid down to the floor of the crypt and he held her there, drinking her blood. And as he drank, she used her healing rune to draw the poison out, giving him pure blood to drink. She could tell, without words, that he was both hungry and full of rage.

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