Chapter Nine

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The class ended after more instruction and demonstrations from Iyumi (with Loae's reluctant assistance), then a few moments of practical work where Iyumi instructed the students in pairs. Finally, she gave them a simple assignment to practice transference magic—using small potted plants that she had gathered and potted herself. She wanted the students to practice transference magic without killing their plants and to return the plants to her next week, alive and well—proof of successful practice.

Loae and Isran waited for the last of the eager students to say their goodbyes to a teacher they clearly adored. Loae watched them head off into Ailis Wood together. She wondered if Iyumi ever held classes at night. It would be so easy for some bloodsucker to stalk along and snatch a girl away from the rest of the group. She'd advise Jessa to send a hunter to Iyumi's classes, both to keep an eye on the witch and to protect the students from any lurking darklings.

"Thank you so much for waiting," Iyumi gushed. "And I hope you got something out of it. So many people are under the impression that if they weren't born with magic in their veins, it will never be accessible to them. But magic is everywhere. I hope to share that with the people of Eoibrun and beyond."

"It was quite an engaging lesson," Isran agreed. "You've inspired my own interest in studying magic once more."

"Really? Are you a natural mage, Lord Kanai?" Iyumi asked.

"Hardly," he said. "But I've studied theories of magic thoroughly. It's the practical part that leaves me struggling."

"I'm sure with a bit of instruction and practice, you can cast magic better as good as any other natural mage," Iyumi said. She smiled brightly at Loae. "Though I doubt either of us will ever reach the level of technique and execution as Lady Agrudan. You have studied magic quite thoroughly, haven't you?"

"Sure. For hunting darklings," Loae said.

Iyumi nodded. "That's right. Of course. You're a hunter." She straightened her shoulders. "And you came to ask me some questions. Please..."

"We're investigating the murders of two young women," Loae said.

"Yes, yes, I think I heard something about the murders," Iyumi said. "Absolutely dreadful. I feel for the girls' families. Though I'm not sure how I can help?"

"Do you know how to recognize the signs of dark magic or demonic possession?" Loae asked.

Isran coughed in surprise at the forwardness of the question, while Iyumi only blanched.

"Unfortunately, no. I can...sense a degree of dark magic," she said, meeting Loae's gaze with some hesitance. "Are you thinking one of my students may be responsible?" She shook her head, disbelieving any of her bright-eyed young students could ever commit such a crime.

"We're looking at all potential suspects," Loae said.

"Of all the newcomers to my class, only a handful have any natural magic ability," Iyumi said. "I'm essentially teaching them all about magic from the ground up. None would have the ability or knowledge to carry out any murders on this scale." She thought hard for a moment. "Though...some of my new girls mentioned they'd received grimoires and smaller spellbooks from a seller in Eoibrun who specialized in supernatural and magic wares. They mentioned to me that he tried to get them to buy a few tomes on dark magic, but they refused."

"Hasim? At the shop in Night Port?" Isran suggested.

"No, no, I believe this was a traveling seller," Iyumi said. "I'm sorry, I can't remember his name. I'll reach out to the girls and get the information for you, I promise."

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