Chapter Three

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Loae didn't get a good look at Jessa's study yesterday, but now she had a chance. It was very bare bones. Jessa herself sat behind a massive, oak desk that must've weighed a ton. Behind the desk, pinned on a wall, was a massive map of Siimone with little colored flags stabbed into various locations. Across from the desk were two leather chairs. Loae sat in one. Kojo and Askan stood about the room: Kojo near the shelves filled with files, folders, and scrolls. Askan stood near the door, arms pulled across his chest.

Jessa groaned as she rocked back in her chair. "Well, let's wrap this up quickly. Shouldn't be too hard to find this vampire," she said. "Let's assign a couple of the lounging hunters to it and be done. There's a trio of nymphs drowning children in Velet and a coven of witches in Markseil who ask new members to bring them severed limbs as payment, so..."

"I'll post it up in the barracks, then," Askan said, pulling away from the wall "Standard payment, but I'm sure someone will snatch it up."

"Give it to Loae," Kojo offered.


Jessa looked to Loae, then back to Kojo. "I'm sure Loae would like a chance to rest after her...resurrection," Jessa said, dryly.

"I think she's ready to get at it," Kojo said. "Don't you?" he asked, turning to Loae.

"Why don't we give her some time to adjust?" Jessa said—more statement than suggestion.

"You didn't see her there," Kojo said, unable to hold back his pride as his arms swung out. "She was quick to look at everything. Picked up clues even I didn't see. Came up with a dozen ideas as to what happened off the top of her head. Took charge like that." He snapped and grinned at Jessa. "A natural."

"If she's so prepared, then why don't we assign her one of these more pressing cases?" Jessa asked, gesturing to the stack of folders and files on her desk.

Will we have blood, Lo-ae?

"I don't know...," Loae spoke up.

"You don't know what?" Jessa asked, her head snapping with impatience in Loae's direction.

"If I'm ready. I'm afraid—"

"Afraid?" Jessa interrupted with a curt laugh.

"—of making a mistake," Loae finished, unable to keep the irritation out of her voice. "I'm not well-versed in these fresh accords and I wouldn't want to make things difficult for you by killing something I shouldn't be killing."

Her mother's smug smile fell. "I see," Jessa said.

Kojo looked between his wife and daughter, looking for a way to ease the tension.

"How about Loae finds this vampire?" he asked. He shrugged at Loae. "To ease you back into things? And then when you've got a good grasp on the accords, you can start tackling bigger cases with me and your brothers?"

"I don't have a lot of time to go back and forth on these things," Jessa said. "Do you want the baby-murdering nymphs in Velet, the party-crashing vampire, or would you rather...take a nap?"

"I'll find the vampire," Loae said, darkly.

"Wonderful. Keep me updated on your progress. And do ask your brothers or any of the guild hunters for help if you need it," Jessa said. "Wouldn't want you...accidentally killing things you shouldn't be killing."

"Thanks," Loae said, rising.

Askan followed her out into the hall. She could hear her parents talking after they left, but wasn't interested in overhearing their conversation. She wanted a bath and then her bed.

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