🎶 Chapter 13

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The entire day had been incredibly long, you had been in the studio with Billie, Mike and Tre, trying to sort out details for their new album. Mike was lovely and didn't mention anything at all, but just spoke to you like he always did and like there was nothing wrong with you; you appreciated it massively. So now you were sat on the sofa and doing the boring miscellaneous task that every adult was ultimately face with: bills, bills and more bills. 

You ran your fingers through your hair, frustrated with all the number that was on the paper in front of you when you found that a strand of hair was longer than the rest. You had never noticed this before your eyes widened at the realisation that it wasn't a long strand of hair, but in fact, your hair was coming out. You continued to run your fingers through your hair and every time, clumps of hair came out in your hand. You stared at the fist full of hair you had tight in your hand. You didn't know whether to scream, or cry, so you just stared blankly at it. Billie came into the room and began talking to you. He was wearing a hat, which caused his hair to come down slightly in his face.

"Do you think that I should go with a blue tie or a red tie?" He asked, holding up two different ties in his hand. "Amelia said I could choose whichever I wanted but I think that people would be expecting a red one." He hadn't looked up yet as he was staring indecisively that the two ties in his hands. "Fuck it, I'll go for the blue one-" He looked up to see you clutching your hair in your hand and tears rolling down your face. "Is that-" He began but stopped speaking as you interrupted him. "My hair." You stated, your eyes not leaving the mess that you were holding. 

"Babe," Billie said in practically a whisper as he sat down next to you. You remained silent for a little bit longer before you burst into tears. You dropped the hair onto the floor as Billie pulled you into a hug. You sobbed into his shoulder as held you tight in his arms trying to comfort you. 

"What am I going to do, Billie?" You asked, trying to calm yourself down. 

"You can't really see anything," Billie said, inspecting your hair for you as you constantly run your fingers through it. "But I know that it's there." You stopped feeling a small patch on your head that had no hair whatsoever. "Well, that it's not there, in my case."

Billie looked at you but was unsure what he could say to make you feel better. It pained him to know that there was nothing that he could do to stop you from feeling this way, and there was no way that he could take this pain away from you. He was wracking his brain trying to come up with a solution, trying to be the best husband that he could be to support you through that pain. "Here." He said as he removed his hat from his head and placed it on yours. "Have my hat."

"Your hat?"

"Yeah," Billie said, smiling. "I don't ever want you to be self-conscious, so I'm giving you my hat to wear, so you don't have to worry about your hair." You kissed him immediately.

"Thank you." You said, readjusting the hat on your head. "That means so much to me." Billie smiled as he looked at you and wiped away the rest of you tears. "Billie?" You asked him, as you came to a realisation. "We need to tell them." You said, shaking your head, before ensuring that the hat was on your head. "I need to tell them." You corrected yourself, this was your mess, your lie and it was time that you took responsibility for it and faced it; it was time for them to know the truth. 

"You mean-"

"Amelia, Joey, Jakob, and Piper." You implied. "They need to know."

"Are you sure?" Billie asked, his tone was shocked, not expecting you to be ready to tell anyone yet. "I am." You admitted, looking at him.  "I can't keep this a secret anymore, they need to know, before it's too late." Billie went to say something else but stopped himself, knowing that this was your decision to make. He wouldn't admit it but it killed him when he heard you say the words 'before it's too late'; He would never be ready to say goodbye to you; you were his wife, of course, he would never be. You stood up and walked over to the kitchen counter and grabbed your phone. One by one, you called Amelia, Joey, Jakob, and Piper and asked them all to come around to see you. 

"Is everything okay?" They all asked, making you give a small smile before replying:

"It's complicated, and I would rather explain it in person to you all." They all agreed to come around to see you, and now it was just playing a waiting game; desperately waiting for them to arrive so that you could ruin their happiness. One by one, each of them arrived, dropping everything to make sure that you were okay, and sat down in a row on the sofa and looked at you inquisitively. 

Thousands of thoughts were running through their minds, all trying to figure out what was going on, but whatever it was, they knew it wasn't good; they knew that they weren't here for a dinner party. Billie held your hand tight as you gean to speak. You were shaking, you took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to make eye contact with each and every one of them. 

"Thanks for coming." You said, almost sheepishly as you thought of a way to tell them the truth. "I haven't been entirely honest with you lately, and it's time that you know the truth." They all stared at you, their eyes wide, and if anything, they were just as nervous as you. 

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