Got anything else better to do

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It was a few weeks since Oliver's and Laurel's break up. Oliver have been throwing himself into his work at the Queen Consolidated and his vigilante work. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't stop thinking about Laurel. He had to keep himself occupied so he didn't go running back to her.

Laurel was finally focusing on herself and what she needed. She needed you make herself feel like she was good enough again. Lately she's been training with Nyssa Al Ghul. She needed to become a better fighter and she was becoming a better fighter than she already was.

Laurel sister came back for a few days to spend time with Laurel before returning back to the waverider. Sara had encouraged her to become what she was always meant to be... A Canary.. The Black Canary. Laurel was gonna make sure she did become The Black Canary.

"You hit like a girl." Nyssa hissed as she blocked every hit Laurel threw at her.

"Because I am a girl!" Laurel snapped as she grew frustrated. She has been working so hard to prove that she is a good fighter to Nyssa but everytime she gets better, Nyssa decides to work her even more harder.

"Yes, you're a girl but you shouldn't hit like one!" Nyssa said aggressively as she knocked Laurel on her ass.

"What the hell is your problem?!" Laurel said as she fell on her ass. She got up as she stared at Nyssa, wanting an answer. Nyssa just scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

"My problem is that you are actually gotten better in hand to hand combat and stick fighting but you haven't gotten good on distractions." Nyssa shouted as she headed for the door before stopping and turning to face Laurel. "Whatever is distracting you, you need to let it go. Your enemies will use your distractions as an advantage."

"Wha... What if I can't? What do I do?" Laurel asked is a soft whisper. She knew why was she distracted but she didn't know how to get rid of it.

"You have to figure it out on your own. I can't help there." Nyssa said feeling truly sorry for Laurel before walking out.

Laurel slid down against the wall. How was she gonna move on with her life if she can't get over the fact Oliver permanently left her? He left her when she needed him the most. What kind of person is he? She thought to herself.

"Baby?" Quentin looked around the room as he made his way over to her.

"Hey." She said as she got up. Her dad have been there to comfort her and to make sure she doesn't go back on drinking alcohol and drugs.

"Hey. Are you okay?" He asked as he laid his hand on her shoulder.

"You can stop asking that. My answer is always gonna be I'm okay." She snapped a little as she grabbed a bottle of water.

"I know. But it's okay not to be okay. I mean you lost Oliver and you lost your bab-"

"Can we not talk about that? I'm not ready." She cut him off as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yeah, of course but sooner or later you will need to talk about it.. So um. I came here to tell you that.. The police captured Kendal." He said as he hesitated to reveal the news to Laurel. She's been obsessed on finding him with the police but Quentin wouldn't let her.

"They did?" She asked disappointed.

"Yes.. Why do you sound disappointment? This is a good thing." Quentin questioned as he hugged his daughter.

"I'm glad he captured I'm really am but I just don't know. It seemed to easy." She said as she returned the hug. "I wanna talk to him."

"Trust me. It was anything but easy." He said before looking at her. "Honey, I don't think that's a good idea."

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