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Oliver stood by her bed side wondering what did he do wrong, how could have he let this happen. he should have been there to stop it, been there to get her out of the building.

It's been a couple days since she's been asleep. The doctor didn't know when or if she'll wake up. Oliver didn't know what to do at this moment, all he do know is that he's going to kill Slade, once and for all... No matter how long it takes. He will make sure that Slade will suffer. 

- (2 days ago)
After Oliver and Slade left. Laureln got back to work wondering why there was so much tension between them, and not the good tension. They both have more to their story than they're letting on and she was gonna find out what and she will find out the truth sooner or later. She had to. They weren't telling her everything, she could feel it in her bones.

For a few minutes Laurel heard rumbling and screaming. She didn't know what exactly what was going on until she walked out of her office seeing the building collapse.

"Oh my god." she said panicking as she took a quick glance at everyone before helping any survivors to the exit. "Everyone don't panic! Just quickly get to the exit." she shouted so everyone could hear her. She needed to stop panicking herself.

Laurel was about to run out when she heard a small cry. She looked over her shoulder seeing a small girl crying for her mother. She knew she had to save this little girl, she couldn't just leave her there. Laurel quickly ran over to her. "Hey, it's okay. You're gonna be okay." she said helping her up while pointing to the exit as she ran there. She ran after her but immediately stop looking above herself.

A concrete piece was about to fall on her. Laurel quickly jumped out of the way but a part of it still hit her on her head, knocking her completely out. All that Laurel remember that she was in pain, like she was losing feeling in her body, like she was drifting away slowly, she was feeling like she was dying. A part of her did want to die because everything in her body was starting to hurt but she couldn't die, she wouldn't.

A few moments later Laurel heard a voice, it was Ollie's. He was begging her to wake up, she tried to wake up but she couldn't. she felt his arms holding her, making sure that Laurel felt safe. And she was safe in his arms. After all that, she remember nothing. It all went black.

Quentin was at his desk when he got the call from Oliver which was weird since we really don't talk unless we need to. he grab his phone answering.

"Hello?" he said wanting to know what was up while putting some files away.

"Quentin." He said in a worried voice.

"Oliver, what's wrong?" he asked looking around.

"It's Laurel." He paused for awhile until Quentin decided to break the silence.

"Where is she?" Quentin whispered softly but enough so that Oliver could hear.

"She's in the hospital in surgery." He said softly.

"What?! What happened?!" Quentin asked quickly getting up rushing to his car.

"I'll tell you everything once you get here. I promise." He said calmly.

Quentin hung up putting his phone in his pocket while getting into his car quickly driving to the hospital. All he could think about was that he might lose his daughter and he couldn't do anything to stop it. He couldn't go through another heartache again, his daughters mean the world to him. He couldn't stop the thoughts flowing through his head no matter how hard he tried.

He finally arrived at the hospital. He quickly got out of his car running inside. Once he ran in, he saw Oliver, Thea, and Moira along with Sara waiting in the waiting room.

"Hey dad." Sara walked up to him, hugging him.

"Hey sweetheart." he hugged back holding her close. "When did you get back?"

"Just over an hour ago." She said softly letting him hold her for a brief moment before pulling away.

"How long are you staying?" he asked as he looked at her.

"Probably for awhile." She said.

"Got a place to stay?" he questioned her leaning back against the wall.

"Nope I might just go back to my old safe house when I was with the league of assassins." She said sitting.

"No, you can stay with me." he offered as he sat besides her.

"You sure?" She said watching her father.

"I'm positive." he told her while he watched Oliver walking over to him.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but can I talk to you?" He looked at Quentin gesturing me to follow.

"Of course." Quentin got up, following Oliver into a spare room.

"It was Slade." He said while closing the door.

"What?" Quentin asked slightly confused.

"He went after Laurel because of me. He wants me to suffer." He turned facing him. He was expecting Quentin to blame him, to curse him out.

"This isn't your fault... Look, yes the old me would have blamed you but that's not me anymore." Quentin said like he was reading Oliver's thoughts.

"Well you should. I'm the one who brought this on her life." He signed as he slightly leaned against the wall.

"It still isn't on you Oliver. It was Slade decision to go after her." Quentin said standing by his thoughts.

"Quentin." He said softly.

"Yes he may have went after her because of you but you didn't make him go after her." Quentin said firmly.

"Technically I did." He signed a little.

"What?" he asked in confusion.

"When I was on that island... I decided to let the girl he loves die." He stopped trying to find the right words.

"I find that hard to believe." he said looking at Oliver. "You wouldn't kill no one, unless it needed to be done."

"Well you should believe. I'm the one who choose for her to die." He signed. "I choose Sara to live. Don't get me wrong I'm glad Sara is alive but I should have save both of them. I wanted to save both of them."

"I am glad you saved Sara, really I am but you cannot save everyone." Quentin assured him.

"But I can try." He said as Moira walked in.

"I don't mean to interrupt but she just got out of surgery." She said holding the door open.

"Thanks for telling us." Quentin walked out into Laurel's room as Oliver followed.

When they both walked in seeing Laurel sleeping peacefully. It breaks Quentin to see that she may be in pain and he couldn't take it away. After a few minutes the doctor came in telling them the news then everyone outside her room. Now we just wait until she wakes up.

I finally brought in Quentin! I have been trying to figure how can he fit in the story and I think I finally got a few ideas! ❤

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