December 2011: Ornaments

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A/N: Whoa. Hi everyone. I am so, so sorry it's taken me so long to update.  If you are all still there, thank you for sticking around! December has been a crazy month for me, and long story short, I got sick with the flu and then Christmas snuck up on me and drained all my energy and time.

With that said, here's a few chapters! Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy! I apprecaite every comment and every like.

“I’m so glad you two came.” Emily sweeps her light hair back, over her shoulders.  It’s New Years eve.  We’re having dinner at Salterns, which is one of Emily’s favorite restaurants and one of the best on the peninsula.  It’s just Emily, Mark, Mrs. Hiddleston, Santos and me.  The rest of the Hiddlestons and their family have stayed back at the house.  It’s good.  I needed to get out of the house.  Later, we’ll go back to the house and watch fireworks be set off over the water from the backyard.

Though it’s more of a vacation home than a family home, it still seems like Tom is everywhere.  A photo of him and Emily on the beach.  His name on a glittering Christmas ornament on their tree. Emily sporting an oversized hoodie with the name of his acting college on it—something I’m almost 99% sure she took from him.  I wallowed in it for a few days, and then at some point it seemed a little strange and humiliating to be there.  What was I doing? Hanging out at Christmas at the house of a one night stand? Of course, I didn’t initially go there to see Tom.  A year ago, I hadn’t even known he existed.  I tell myself it is different, and not all that sad, since I was friends with Emily way before I knew anything about Tom.  Still, a tiny part of me feels a little pathetic.  And lonely.

“Where else would I go?” Santos takes a drink of prosecco and then sighs. He doesn’t seem to suffer from the same insecurity as I do. Then again, he never slept with a member of the Hiddleston family.  That I know of.

 “My mother is in Barcelona with her new boyfriend, or as she calls him her ‘life partner’.  My father lives at the hospital.” He shrugs.  “Besides, I love all you people.  You’re fantastic.  You’re my real family.” He looks over at me and smiles, and then winks at Emily.  Mrs. Hiddleston makes a soft “aww” noise.

“It’s not a bad family to have.” Emily smiles and lifts her glass to us.  We all cheers, and take sips.  We’ve had a fantastic meal, and I feel full and a bit buzzy from the wine.

I can feel Mrs. Hiddleston watching me, and I raise my eyes, meeting hers.  She smiles warmly.  She really is one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met.  Kind and caring in an understated sort of way.

I’ve been quiet for most of the dinner.  Feeling rather introspective on this new years eve.  It’s been over a year since Richard.  A year since I met Tom. Many things have changed, and yet I feel strangely the same. 

“What about you, Gracie? You never talk about your parents.” Mrs.Hiddleston asks gently.  I poke at the chicken on my plate, feeling a lump forming in my throat.

“Gracie hardly talks about her feelings.  Or anything having to do with emotions.  Not really her thing.” Santos butts in, reaching over and rubbing my shoulder.  I give him a quick smile, but we both know he’s right.

“I don’t blame you.” Emily laughs.

“My mom’s sort of a mess.  We don’t speak very often.  My dad’s the same.  I’ve only honestly met him a handful of times, and it’s always terrible when I do.  He actually called me a few days ago, asking for money.” I sigh.  Santos grunts and shakes his head. Mrs. Hiddleston looks stunned, but then her expression softens.

“I’m sorry to hear that, lovey.  It always saddens me when I hear about parents who act more like the child in their relationship.” She says softly.  She reaches down and pulls something out of her bag, and then grins at both me and Santos as she leans across the table, handing each of us a small wrapped package.

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