May 2011: Safe Word

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“Are you asleep?” I whisper this into Tom’s shoulder, some time later.  We’re lying entangled in the middle of the bed, most of the covers pushed off to the sides.  The room is dark, save for a small lamp on the nightstand that’s partially covered by Tom’s forgotten dress shirt.

“Mmm.” His response is a low rumble, just a noise.  I push my chin into the dip between his shoulder blades, and I take a deep breath.  I breathe in the scent of him.  Warm, clean, intimate. My limbs are heavy, sated.  I don’t want to move.  I don’t want to do anything.  But I’m not sure if I should stay.  How does this work?  Am I supposed to stay the night?  After a rather fantastic shag, he’s obviously about to pass out, and I’m already worrying about the awkward morning after.

“Tom? I should go…” I whisper hesitantly.  Tom shifts then, rolling slightly and nearly squishing me as he does.  He turns and wraps a long arm around me as he pulls me into his chest.

“No.” He says simply.  He hasn’t opened his eyes, and I’m not entirely convinced he’s not asleep.  Then he gently pushes me onto my back, sliding up next to me and half covering me with his body.  He nuzzles my neck, his eyes still closed. 

“Stay.” He grumbles, one hand covering my bare breast, as I feel him kiss my shoulder.  Ooph.  I know I’m not pregnant, but holy hell, I feel like I suddenly could be.

“Okay.” I manage.

I’m quiet for all of twenty seconds, before I have to talk again.

“We should talk.” I whisper, my voice breaking the silence of the room.  It is the kind of quiet that only hotels can give.  Somewhat foreign, sterile quiet.  Tom moves, but doesn’t speak.  He lifts his head slowly, looking at me with barely opened, sleepy blue eyes.  Ooph, I may be pregnant with twins.

“What would you like to talk about?” He asks slowly, his voice rough with sleep.  He licks his lips, and his eyes lower to my mouth. 

“I’m not still in love with Richard, but I’m still…dealing with all of that.” I blurt out.  Tom’s brow furrows and his mouth turns down slightly at the corners.  He clears his throat, opening his eyes fully.

“You’ve got quite the pillow talk.” He raises an eyebrow.  I curse softly, covering my face with one free hand.  The other is wedged somewhere under his naked torso.

“Most people don’t talk about former lovers while in bed with current lovers, but I suppose you are the type to make your own rules.” He blinks slowly at me, and I see the tug of a smile at the corners of his lips. 

“I’m sorry.  I’m sorry.  I’m not…comparing you two or anything—“ I start out, but of course it comes out sounding all wrong.  Tom makes a whooshing noise, and then he pushes up onto his arms, hovering over me.  He’s naked and lithe, looming over me on all fours.  I put my arms on his forearms, gripping tightly.

“I’m sorry!” I say, not quite able to make it without giggling.  He growls and then flops down next to me, onto his stomach.  He buries his face in a pillow, and I can hear his soft moan, but then a low chuckle.  I scoot over next to him, wrapping my arms around his bicep and pulling, trying to reveal his half hidden face.  He resists, but I can see the corners of his face.  I know he is smiling because of the tell tale crinkles at the corners of his eyes.

“You’re much better, I swear.  If we are going to have that conversation.” I laugh, knowing that it’s not a conversation either of us wants to have.  Tom turns his face, watching me as I tilt my head back, laughing softly.  He is smiling, but it’s a slow smile.  Soft, and thoughtful.

“I’m sure my sister has warned you about me.  Of my awful, hedonistic, whorish ways.  She’s warned you to stay far, far away.” He says softly, watching me still, as if trying to read my mind.  I can still feel my skin tingling, feel the lovely sensitive ache between my legs.  I wonder if he will be up for round two soon.

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