December 2010: The Barely Girlfriend

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"I'm going to bed." Jenny pouts, standing up and wrapping her robe around her tiny waist. It is nearing on two in the morning, and Santos is already half passed out on the floor. Emily and Mark have been gradually moving closer and closer to each other as the night has gone on, and at this point I am just waiting for them to crawl on each other and start making out in front of everyone.

"Good night." Santos murmurs, face down in the plush carpet.

"Go to bed, wastey face." I poke him in the butt, and he grunts.

"Tom?" Jenny looks at Tom and gives him a wheedling smile. Tom shifts on the couch, and stands up. He kisses Jenny on the cheek, his hand resting on the top of her butt.

"I'll be up in a bit, Jen. I'm gonna have one more." He says. Jenny looks upset for a second, but then sighs and nods. Santos gets up a second later, looking a bit like a swamp monster coming out of the ooze, and follows her toward the stairs.

"We're going to bed too." Emily takes Mark's hand, grabbing a few empty glasses to take to the kitchen. I stay where I am on the floor. It's just the two of us left. Would it be weird to leave now? Or weirder to stay? I'm not sure, but I feel glued to the spot.

Tom settles back onto the couch, sitting across from me. The house is so quiet, the only sound is the soft crackle of the fire to my side. I can feel his eyes on me. I'm warm from the alcohol and the flames, and my head feels lovely and fuzzy.

"Are you going to stay on the floor?" He breaks the silence after a minute and I look up. I can tell he's a bit drunk as well. He's still clear eyed, but there's something else there that's not normally there. An abandonment, a wildness.

"It's pretty comfy." I say quickly.

"Yeah, but I have pillows and blankets on the couch. What does the floor have?" He smiles and suddenly looks like a young boy. He's got this amazing, open, silly smile. He sits back, looking totally at ease and comfortable, his lean frame relaxed. It is hard not to remember those wonderful, sexy hours we spent together a month ago.

"When you put it that way." I shrug.

"I'm very persuasive." He grins, and I continue with the flashbacks. My stomach tightens and I know this is a bad idea.

Still. I get up and plop down next to him. It's one of those wide, deep couches. I slide back and pull my feet under my legs. Tom has a fuzzy blanket on his lap, and I reach over, grabbing it off of him with a smile. He protests for a minute, but then lets me have it. I settle it on my legs and then turn slightly toward him.

"Tell me...the game from earlier..." He is only a few inches away from me, and from this distance I can see the slow steady rise and fall of his chest. I can see the light, golden hair on his arms that is such a contrast to his dark hair on his head.

"Yeah?" I lean back feeling comfortable and a little tired.

" What would your stripper name be?" Tom asks, his eyes sparkling. He's taken off his sweater, and has on a pair of loose sweat pants. He looks so relaxed.

"I don't want to tell you." I shake my head, feeling silly. So, maybe there is a chance that I'm also the last person he slept with, but I don't know for sure. Maybe he's had other one night stands since we met a month ago. Maybe he's on one night stand number 62, and I'm still at one night stand number 1.

"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours." He smiles, tilting his head back against the back of the sofa. I don't know why I care to know, but I roll my eyes and pull the pillow I'm hugging closer.

"Fine. It's Lucky Hiddleston." I say quickly. Tom's eyes are on me for a few lazy seconds. His eyes search mine, and then he looks away, a smile curling on his lips.

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