December 2011: Happy Christmas & a Little Help

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“I’ve met someone.” Santos climbs in bed next to me, squishing me up against the wall.  There’s not a lot of room in a twin bed.

“Hmm?” I’m still feeling a bit jet lagged.  We got into Sandbanks at nearly two a.m., after some terribly delayed flights due to some bad weather and winter storms.  The house had been totally silent when we’d arrived.  Emily had come down in her pajamas, bleary eyed and smiling.  Santos and I had been dead tired, and we’d simply dropped our bags on the floor and then both fallen face first into our beds, still fully dressed.

I’m barely awake, but Santos seems more alive than ever.

“I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want you to judge me.” He squishes me over more, and I push back against him.  I’m awake now.

“Judge you? Who could you possibly be dating that I’d judge you for it? Satan?” I open my eyes.  The room is familiar, but still somewhat foreign.  The dove gray and blue walls.  The old worn wood.  English seaside.  Christmas.  Hiddlestons.

“Oh, I’ve dated Satan before.  He was in a band, and he loved plaid in a totally unironic way.” Santos groans, and I can’t help but laugh. 

“You’re terrible.”

“Don’t change the subject.  Remember how I told you I slept with that hair dresser?” Santos watches me, trying to gauge my expression.

“Yes, the hairdresser with goals.”

“Yes, he has goals.  He’s not just a hairdresser.” Santos assures me.  Not that there’s anything wrong with hairdressers.  Santos is just insane and has it in his head that he’ll only date someone who works for a Fortune 500 company.

“Okay, so?” I wait, wondering if it would have killed him to let me sleep for just a bit longer before barging in to tell me this life changing news.  Last week it was the hairdresser, the week before it was a designer for Banana Republic.  Today…who knows.

“Well, it’s not the hairdresser.  But it’s his brother.  Yes, apparently he has a gay brother.  It’s all very sordid.” Santos grins and I roll my eyes.

“You’re going to tear their family apart.” I joke, though I’m not sure if I’m totally kidding.  Santos grimaces and then sighs.

“The hairdresser’s name is Bobby.  His brother’s name is Cillian. It just sort of happened. And now I’m in love.” He kicks his long legs into the air and sways them back and forth, then reaches over and slaps me on the ass.  I contemplate hitting him back, but then I just take a deep breath.

“So you’re in love with Bobby or Cillian?” I ask.

“Cillian, darling.  Bobby is a hairdresser.  Cillian is a Phlebotomist.”

“Do you know what a Phlebotomist is? Or do you just like saying it?”

“I just like saying it. Phlebotomist. Phlebotomist.” Santos laughs. “No, it’s something to do with doctor things.” I have to admit I’ve missed him.  It’s been quite some time since we’ve last seen each other.  Maybe two or three months.  At the end of the summer, I was finally promoted at work.  Vera asked me to come on board as a full time curator at the gallery.  I happily agreed, and it’s been insane ever since then.  Long days and weekends, I’ve been eat, sleep and breathing the gallery.  It’s been a good change, and has kept my mind off my otherwise dull life, but I’ve barely had time for anything else.  Santos included.

And he was made a lead architect at his firm, which is nearly unheard of for someone so young. So he’s spent the last few months basking in the glory of being an “architectural wunderkind.”  His words, not mine.

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