Fuck The Police!

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(P.S. Do you guys think I will get banned for the title??? Eh, too late! But on more pressing matters, how cute is that photo?! Like I'm so putting it on my wall when my family sets up the printer![I don't see the point of a printer, but they do so now there is one!])


"Daddy's back!" I yell as I enter the bar.

"Ooh~ Kinky!" Dabi says as he walks past me. That perverted mother fucker!

I just walk past him so I can give Cal his new toy. Hes been asking for a new stuffed animal for the last month. As soon as I enter the playroom I get tackled by a blue demon.

"Daddy! You're back! I missed you!!" He screams as he hugs me. I swear this kid has attachment issues!

"Yep, and here." I say whole grabbing the stuffed animal from the bag.

" I say whole grabbing the stuffed animal from the bag

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His eyes lit up as he saw the unicorn.

"Thank you Daddy!!" He squeals as he hugs the stuffed animal with all history strength.

"You're welcome demon." He huffs as he hears my comment.

"I am not!"

"Ok demon."

"I'm not!!"

"Yeah, and tell that t-(o your mom!)" I was cut off by the door being slammed open.

Cal then jumps on me in fear. I look up to see a bunch of heroes and police enter the bar.

I quickly book(ran, whatever!) it down the hallway. I can't let them get Cal!

But just as I was about to reach our bedroom I get kicked in the back. I get sent flying into the door. I quickly do a 180⁰ so Cal doesn't get hurt.

I go flying into the room, my already injured back hitting the wall. I can feel the blood soaking my clothes.

"D-D-Daddy?!" I head Cal scream in my arms.

"I'm*cough* okay!" I say as blood trickles down my mouth.

Cal just starts crying into my chest, I then see other pro heroes enter the room.

They start stepping towards me, I quickly pull Cal closer to me.

"Let go of the child!" A cat says.

I just hug Cal tighter.

"Let go of the child before we take him." This Jean man says.

"He's my child!" I yell as they start stepping closer.

"You could be harming that child!" All Might yells as he enters the room.

Which then causes Cal to start crying harder because his ears started bleeding.

"Shit..." I mumble as the blood continues to trickle down.

"What are you doing to the child?!!" All Might screams again, making Cal cry harder.

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