The Test(or other know as: the pee stick)

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(P.S. The picture has almost nothing to do with this right now)


Beep! Beep! BEEP! BEE-

With shaky hands I turn off my timer. I shouldn't even have to be doing this! I told him not to forget! And then he just had to forget! I even told him that he didn't have it on! And this bitch said, "Don't worry, you're on birth control. You can't get pregnant!"

Like is he stupid?! He KNOWS that you still have a chance to get pregnant! I think he just wanted to go raw! He is definitely not going to see me for the next few weeks!

"Mommy! Are you done yet?" I hear my sweet baby call from behind the door.

Fuck! I still haven't checked the test yet! You know what, screw it!

"Yeah! Can you do me a favor hunny?" I say as I open the door to see my baby bounce towards me.

"What?" He asks with sparkles in his eyes.

"Be a dear and give this to your father," I say as I give him the test, pee side sticking out. "Then we can go make cookies!"

"Only if I can choose what type!" He says with a smirk on his face.

"Sure, but you need to stop messing around! You shouldn't be able to smirk at me at such a young age!" I swear I will kill Shiggy if he taught him that!

"But Dabi says that's how I get you to make his favriote cookies." He says way too innocently.

"You have five seconds to tell the truth before I tickle you," I see his eyes glint with mischief as I say that.

"Only if you can catch me!" And then he's gone! I think this kid is sonic! Nope, he runs faster!

"And that settles me choosing what cookies to make," I mutter as I walk out the bathroom.

As I walk down the hallway I see something on the ground, so I go to pick it up. I think they just leave trash around here to see how quickly I'll pick it up!

But when I see what it is I stop in horror. I then fall to the ground in a mess. Tears falling freely and sobs racking through my body like shock waves.


As I sat in me and Izu's room I see a child run in, jumping on me as if his life depended on it.

"Daddy! Mommy is gonna kill me!" He said as he still laid on top of me.

"What did you do?" I've been through this too many times to know this kid did something.

"Well... I may have got Mommy to make me the cookies I want?" He says in a barley audible voice.

"So you ran to me, thinking I could save you?" This kid can be smart, but not when his mom is involved. He could of went to anyone but me and be fine, but right now I'm on the chopping block too!

"Y-Yeah... pleas save me Daddy?! Mommy likes you more!" He says as he starts shaking me.

"We both now that's a lie. And you should of went to Toga, your moms trying to kill me too." Who's this kid trying to fool? Everyone knows that Izu likes the cat more!

"I'm gonna die today!" He says as he slumps on my chest. "Tell Tabi I love him, he is the best cat-(I could ever have)" He got cut off by a loud thump and crying.

"What the-(fuck)" Then I get cut off by sobs from the hallway.

Wait, only one person sobs here.


I run out of the room with Cal in my arms. He seemed to have realised who was in the hallway also because he latched onto me with worry on his face.

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