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Hello! As you can see this is not one of my usual chapters... I am sadly discontinuing this fan fic because I no longer like Robbie in the way I used to and I have decided that the chapters were getting to dragged out. If you really want to, I will try to write a makeshift ending to this fan fic but I don't think I will. Let me know your thoughts in the comments as I will go through some time and see what you think but for now this fan fic is over. It was fun while it lasted but in the mean time you can check out some of my other fan fics and see if you like any of the topics! I have a new one in the making and this is the first time I am publicly talking about it.. Enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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Victorious - Robbie x Reader - DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now