Survival Of The Hottest

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Robbie's POV

I left the cool air-conditioned building and I was instantly greeted by a wave of heat. Even though I felt dizzy I went and sat down with Tori and (Y/N). "Hey.." I said in an exhausted voice putting my bag under the table. I think the heat was getting to my head because I swear I saw (Y/N)'s face get even more red. I leaned into my hand and closed my eyes before Tori asked how hot it was outside. I looked for the temperature on my pear pad. "According to my pear pad... here in Hollywood... it's 103°...". Everyone groaned and (Y/N) flopped onto her bag which was on the table. Beck and Jade came and sat down opposite to me. "I... AM SO HOT!!" Jade yelled as she winced from the heat.


I felt like I was about to pass out but I managed to get a few words out. "When- When will the heat wave.. end.." I said closing my eyes again. "On Tuesday.." Beck replied also seeming very tired. Before I could reply I passed out.

Robbie's POV

We were all talking about the heat wave when (Y/N) dazes off and passes out. She started to fall backwards but Tori and I caught her before she fell off the bench. We brought her back up and laid her on my shoulder to stop her falling again. "Hey.. Look at Robbie's girlfriend over there." Jade remark once (Y/N) was settled. "She's not my-" I tried to protest, letting out a frustrated sigh. Just then the bell rang so me and Andre carried her inside where she woke up.


Next thing I knew, Robbie and Andre were carrying me to class. Robbie saw I was awake and told Andre. "Morning sleepy head." Andre said with a smirk as they put me down so I could walk the rest of the way. "What are we going to do about this heat wave?" I asked, not wanting to pass out again. Andre said, in response "While you were out, Beck said we could all take a ride to Venice in his RV on Saturday to hang out on the beach.". I thought about it for a while and agreed that it would be a good idea.

Time Skip (Going to Venice)

(Y/N) POV 

I grabbed my bag and walked over to Beck's house and into the RV where everyone was waiting. "Took ya long enough.." Jade said in a harsh voice. "Sorry I had to make sure I had everything and I had to find the right address.." I replied not wanting to be the reason no one had a good time. We set off, Beck and Jade were in the truck. Me, Cat, Robbie, Andre and Tori ere in the RV. We sat down and all started chatting. After a while we decided it would be fun to play Truth or Dare and Tori had to ask someone first. "Cat, Truth or Dare?" Tori asked. "Hmmmmm... Truth." she replied cautiously. We all gathered together to pick a Truth for Cat. Once we had, we kept playing until we were about to arrive at our destination. "(Y/N)... Truth or Dare?" Andre said with a sly voice. I thought for a moment before choosing Dare. Andre laughed creepily for a moment before saying "Hug Robbie.". I waited for a moment before telling Robbie to stand up and hugging him tightly. He hugged back for a moment then we pulled away and sat down again. Next, it was Robbie's turn. "Hey Robbie, Truth or dare?" Cat asked Robbie. Robbie chose Dare. Cat and Tori whispered to each other for a moment then Tori said "Kiss." motioning to Me. Robbie and I whipped our heads round to face each other in shock but he soon gave in and we got closer together. 

Robbie's POV

I gently held her chin and moved closer to her. Our lips touched and I cautiously pressed harder, deepening the kiss. After a few seconds (Y/N) kissed back and we barely even remembered the others were watching us. While we were in our little trance we didn't realise that the RV had stopped and that Beck and Jade were heading towards the door to the RV. Jade stepped in to see us still kissing and all she could say was ok "Ohhhhhh... kaay...." as she dropped her bag on the bed for a moment. Beck then entered and saw us just as we pulled apart. 


I heard Jade come in and I hastily pulled away from Robbie even though I wanted to stay there. Beck came in just as we pulled away and knew what had just happened. 

Beck's POV

I walked into what I thought was gonna be a normal conversation and it turned out to be some sort off weird dare. All I knew was that I entered the RV Robbie and (Y/N) were kissing. I clapped for a bit to add comedy to the awkward situation as I knew how it felt to be caught while kissing someone. Soon everyone else was clapping and they both went bright red. "Soo whats going on here then?" Jade asked sarcastically. Robbie was very flustered and straight up said "It was a Dare!" as fast as he could before hiding his face in his hands. (Y/N) patted him on the back and asked if we could ignore what happened. We all agreed and spoke about what we would do. Suddenly Cat ran out screaming "Gotta pee! Gotta pee! Gotta pee!" I told her to hurry back and closed the door.


We gathered everything we needed and headed for the door. "Somethings blocked us in I can't open the door!" Beck said frantically. We all panicked as we realised we were stuck. "I'm getting very hot now..." Andre said. "Yeah Let's open a window." Tori suggested but to no avail as we were told that the windows were made out of bullet proof glass. "Alright, lets not bug out. Cat just went to the bathroom, she's gonna be back in a few minutes, then she can start Becks truck and then pull us forward so we can get out." Andre pointed out. Everyone agreed and we sat down for the wait.

Cat's POV

I was on my way back from the bathroom when a few guys asked if I would join them. I told them I had to get back to my friends but they insisted I stayed. I agreed and stay with them to hang out for a while.

Time Skip (2 Hours Later)


We were laying around, dying of heat and thirst, practically loosing out minds. "These fish mock me..." Robbie said, obviously jealous of the fishes water. "How dare they swim around, enjoying that filthy water.." Tori added, also upset about the fish. "I'm going to drink that filthy water" Robbie said, finally making up his mind. We tried to protest but he insisted that he would rather do that than die of thirst. He then plunges his head into the fish tank and drinks as much water as he can. Once he takes his head out and lifts his glasses out of the water he sits back for a moment. We ask him if its drinkable but our questions are soon answered by him grabbed the nearest bag and emptying his stomach into it. "Don't drink the fish water." he says in a weak voice.

Robbie's POV

I just drank fish water... At least I'm less thirsty now. I lay back and try to fall asleep when I feel something move next to me. I open my eyes slightly  to see (Y/N) snuggling up next to me. I put my arms round her and she says "I hope you will feel better soon, we will get out of this." before cuddling up against my side and closing her eyes. We sleep for a while before we are greeted by everyone else screaming Cats name and rushing outside. Me and (Y/N) smile at each other for a moment before rushing outside and grabbing water.

Once me and (Y/N) had drank a whole bottle of water we both hugged passionately for a moment. When we pulled away she kissed me for a brief moment and turned to the others

Tori's POV

We were finally free! "There's a large Pacific Ocean right over there! Let's enjoy that ocean!" I exclaimed giggling. We all ran down to the shore, (Y/N) and Robbie holding hands.


I leapt into the ocean, still holding Robbie's hand. We all splashed in the sea for the rest of the time we had, enjoying the coolness of the water. it was perfect.

Hey guys.. this is probably my favourite chapter I have ever made in my time here! Hope you all enjoyed and I will catch you in the next one! Good bye!

Victorious - Robbie x Reader - DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now