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“(n.) The euphoria experienced as you begin to fall in love.”

I have three types of crushes; the fictional crush, the short-term crush and of course the long-term crush. All of them give me the same degree of butterflies in my stomach which is so gross to talk about but fun at the same time. Now, let me describe them one by one.

Fictional crush. Those who fall under this category are my favourite Korean drama actors, anime characters and Wattpad characters. They are opt to be a source of inspiration only because seriously speaking, they can’t be reached and some of them doesn’t even exist in the real world. With them, there are no heartbreaks just purely staying on top of a cloud nine. They’re the very reason why I dreamed of travelling abroad. Oh! Let me call this category as “my sweet escape”.

Short-term crush. They are the people whom I usually like for a couple of days or weeks maybe because they have something that struck me. I usually like them based on their physical aspect, talent, and intelligence. Most of the time, they become my friends without them knowing I liked them once. I believe what I have for them is purely infatuation. Still, no heartbreaks in this category. They’re just opt to colour and brighten up my world. Let me call this category as “my extended sweet escape.”

Long-term crush. I have only three of them. The first one was during my elementary days. I liked him for about four years, I guess. Honestly, I don’t have any idea right now why I came to like him or why he came to be my puppy love. The second one was during my high school years and I liked him for four years too. It’s a long story to tell but this one’s really heart-breaking. To cut the long story short, he migrated to Japan without even saying goodbye. I’ve heard he’s already in a relationship with someone else. Fun fact, I wasted my time waiting. Okay. The last one seems intriguing since it’s very recent. They have similarities with the latter but this one’s too good. Let’s just say we almost had it but then we lost it at some point. Another fun fact, he is Mr Sunshine. Nonetheless, they are such a beautiful story to tell. Right? They let me experienced the euphoria of being in love; enough to make my dull life an exciting one.

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