44. Confession

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Also, the second last chapter. T_T

F A H A D' S P O V

Getting heart broken, I looked at Nada who gave the most heartbreaking news ever.

"I guess, she really doesn't want me."

"Are you stupid?" Rahim remarked at me.

"Don't give up, yaar." Shariq kept his hand on my shoulder.

I just turned away from them. One, to ignore them and two, that I couldn't witness looking at Nada, who was going for issuing the divorce. Mira was trying to make her understand that what she was doing is wrong and Uméma looked like she is about to cry, she really shipped us. But, I am sorry Uméma.

"Fahad! Are you listening to what we are saying?" Rahim turned towards me.

"No." He released a sharp breath.

"Look Fahad, you've still got tim-"

"I already did what all I could. She really doesn't wanna live with me. I can't force her now, can I?"

I kept staring at the ground not being able to withstand the heartbreak I was going through. So that's what Nada felt, huh.

"Did she go?" I whispered.

"Almost. She's at the door right now." Replied Shaariq.

"I have already controlled her a lot. I really love her, and if loving her means letting her go then I'd do it in a heartbeat." A tap on my shoulder made me stop talking. Of course, Rahim.

"No Rahim, you will console me saying that Nada still loves me but-" Again I felt a tap on my shoulder. My voice got heavy a little. I took in a deep breath, "she doesn't." I received a hard, like really very hard, slap on the back of my head.

"Yaar Rahim! What is- NADA?!" I turned back thinking that it was Rahim who slapped me but got bewildered seeing that it was Nada who did that. Whaaaat.

"Yes me!"

"Nada why are you crying? Are you hurt somewhere? Did someone hurt you?"

"Yes!" She spoke furiously. "YOU!"

"Me?" I babbled out of fear. Dang, what wrong did I do?

"Yes you, you idiot!" As she said those words she hugged me, very tightly making my heart pace a hundred times faster.

"You are a one big fool!" She mumbled against my chest.

"How insensitive you are! Seriously!" She crowed in anger.

"But what did I do?" I fretted out of nervousness. Yes I was scared of her.

"First tell me," She detached herself from me and wiped her tears. "What do you think about me?" She crossed her arms across her chest.

"I think- that you're a. . . Human?" I received a series of slaps at the back of my head. That too, three!

"What?" I hissed at the culprits: Rahim, Mira and Uméma.

"That is not what she means." Shariq echoed in my ear.

"Then?" My eyebrows furrowed. "Oh! I got it! I think that you're a really beautiful girl and I am glad to have you as my wife." I bubbled in happiness. And Uméma face palmed.

"One big foolish you are." Rahim snapped at me. Why????

"Okay, close. Think more vaguely, Fahad." Shariq suggested. He is the only one helping. This Rahim and Uméma are busy in hitting me. God knows what revenge they are taking!

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