12. Tripping

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N A D A' S  P O V

Maybe while I was running away from the monster of my life I might have tripped a little bit. Thanks to my clumsiness. But I didn't get to fall because Fahad was already by my side.

"Are you kidding me?" He screeched. Oh My poor ears!

"HOW COULD YOU BE SO IRRESPONSIBLE?!? YOU DON'T RUN WHEN YOU ARE CARRYING A BABY IN YOUR HANDS?!" Fahad hollered at me. I didn't argue because I knew I was wrong but he is also at fault I was running away from HIM. Just accept your mistake, Nada. Just shut your mouth brain. I don't have one.

"What's all this chaos? Why are you guys arguing? That too again?" Aunt Naaz strolled in.

"No Mom. We were not fighting." I walked towards her. "This!" I pointed towards him. "-Fahad was shouting at me." I spoke lowly.

"Oh." He cocked his eyebrow. "Then do tell her what was the reason behind my shouting." He raised his eyebrows.

"What happened Nada? Did he again do something?" Aunt Naaz asked with concern.


"What will she say? Let me get to the point straight. She was running and almost going to trip not to forget Alizah was in her hands." He complained, just like a complain box he is, and folded his hands across his chest.

"Oh my God!" She gasped. "Are your hurt, Nada? Did Alizah get hurt? Both of you are fine?" She questioned frantically.

"They would've got hurt but before that I came in between and steadied her." He butted in. Ugh. . . Always acting the mature one. I stuck my tongue out and he rolled his eyes at me.

"Awww. Such a caring husband and father you have become. It's not even a day passed you have already understand your responsibilities." Aunt Naaz exclaimed in awe. Yuck! How can she call him caring? For father? Okay I'll give that. But husband? Heck nooooooo. A BIG FAT NO!

I looked at Fahad who was already embarrassed. Very good! He wanted to embarrass me. Now he himself is embarrassed. Karma is a- well you all know what it is.

"And you too Nada. Take care of yourself and Alizah's. Fahad might go crazy if anything happens to his family." Aunt Naaz looked at me. I am sure Fahad will be the one who will enjoy the feast at my funeral if I die somehow.

"Uh-Mom. I only scolded her because she had Alizah in her hands. I didn't specifically care about her." Fahad interrupted in between.

Ouch! His sentence hurted me. But why was I expecting it not to be? I should be habituated now. Anyway who am I for him? Why will he care about me?

"Of course! You know that we both are like oil and water. Even if they both are in one container they both will never mix. I'll go and freshen up and feed Alizah." I hurried upstairs. I turned back to see her sad face. I mean which mother would want her son not to live a happily ever after.


Uh...I came up with full confidence but I don't know where to go? Why did I have to be over smart?

"You are dumber than you look." I heard Fahad's voice from behind me.

"Not more than you." I simply replied. My hand was paining now. I was holding Alizah from a long time now.

"Think before you talk. Do you even listen to things that come out of your mouth?"

"Did you just say something?" I pretended not to hear.

"Anyway it is pointless to make fun of you. Because you will take forever to understand."

"Shut up already. Your face is annoying me."

"Whatever." Yes, his favourite word is back.

"Where is your room by the way?"

"Why would you ask?"

"I want to freshen up. Afterall it's gonna be my room too." I said confidently with my chin high.

"In your dreams. That arrangement is just for some months."

"I don't even want to stay here forever. I will not be living with you for some months. I will be surviving those few months. Now show me your room!!"

"God knows how am I gonna bare you?" He muttered and started walking.

He opened the door and stepped in. Man! What a room! A typical businessman's.

"Never touch my things. And when I say never then never touch. You get that?" He said leaning towards me.

"Same applies to you." I demanded.

"I am a gentleman. I know how to respect someone's privacy." He divilged and subtly leaned against the wall.

"So do I. Also nothing about you appeals me."

"Ok. Alizah baby, lets ignore this monster and change your dress and diaper and feed you okay?" I cooed and made her lay on the bed.

"Totally a gone case." I heard him murmuring.

"Oh really?" I asked sarcastically.



Asalamwalaikum and hello people!! New chapter!! How is it? Let me know through comments and don't forget to vote. Until then thank you, AllahHafiz, bye and take care ^_^

Also, do share what was your favorite part of the chapter.


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