14. Bickering

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F A H A D' S  P O V

Oh God what wrong had I done that I got stuck with this good for nothing girl. Asking unnecessary questions. All fathers are not same. Atleast not mine.

"Fahad please hold her for a second. I want to go the washroom." I heard Nada nudging me from behind me that's when I realised that I was standing in middle of the stairs lost in my own thoughts.

"DUDE!? Where are you lost?" Nada screamer in my ear snapping her fingers at me. She and her loudness.

"I was just thinking that how could God make these kind of antique piece." I muttered.

"What do you mean by that?" Guess she heard it.

"Leave it. You won't understand. It's high level. Anyway give me Alizah." I extended my hands towards her.

"Say it correctly. That you will not be able to explain me. Dumbo!" She rolled her eyes at once I took Alizah in my hands while she ran away.

"Wait till you come down." I shouted back at her who simply stuck her tongue out at me.

I happily took Alizah down. I looked at her and she was scratching my five o' clock beard. She is so cute! I have complimented only few woman in my life. Mom, Uméma, and Mira who is like my sister and best friend too. What about Nada? She's your wife. My brain chimed. How can someone like her can be complimented?! You don't talk about a girl like that. Especially when she's your wife. No, she is not a girl. She is a disaster. And now shut up!

Wow! Having a conversation with your own brain is so special. Note the sarcasm.

My chain of thoughts was broken when I heard Alizah talking something in gibberish languages. I played with her for sometime till Mom, Uméma and Nada comes down for dinner.

I looked at Alizah and wondered how could her parents be so cruel to leave her just like that. If they couldn't take responsibilities of a baby then why produce them? She is so sweet that no one could resist her but once she will grow up she will be devastated that her own parents didn't want her. On top of that they had borrowed money from someone who was going to shoot her if he didn't get his money.

We need to find her parents. She needs to know who were her parents. I hope they are not dead yet because I know how growing up without a father felt and here she have none of her parents. But until then I will take care of her. And Nada will too, I guess.

"Aww...soo cuttteee." Nada squealed walking towards me. Cute? Can she walk her way back.

"Fahad take her to the bed. She has already slept." I didn't even notice when Alizah slept. I just took her in my hands and she laid her head in my shoulder. Must be tired of playing.

"I'll go and take her to the bed." I declared once I stood up and Nada came near. Like very close. What is she upto? She leaned down and kissed Alizah's cheek. Oof!

"She is cute, isn't she?" She said dreamily looking at her.

"Happy realisation." I spoke sarcastically.

"Can never answer something properly." She smacked my arm.

" Just because I don't hit woman doesn't mean that you have all the rights to hit me." I dictated her.

"How could her parents leave such little bundle of joy?" She stroked Alizah's head, completely ignoring me.

"Wait! I have an idea we will go tomorrow to all the orphanage and ask them if someone had left her there. What say?" I suggested.

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