Your Not Mature

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After waiting to what seemed an eternity, he got up, and as a typical thing I've come to learn about him when he feels attacked, he reached for one of his weapons.

He looked at me ,and got up but then grunted...he put his shirt up a bit.

"Where are my knives?" He groaned, while looking at his stomach, which looked a little pink.

I laughed, "Hey I'm not stupid, I took everything far away from you, I checked you for anything deadly. You  threw a pocket knife in my thigh, YOU SHOT ME WITH A GUN! WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THOSE WEAPONS FROM! Oh and now look."

I walked foreword, to show him I was limping

"Think before you act Merlyn, you need me totally functioning, in order for your plan to work, now you won't have a bodyguard."

He got angry, so I made a little force field, to warn him not get close.

"Your not leaving." He said putting his hands up. "You'll heal...I shot you in the thigh, exactly at a place where I knew wouldn't affect you for long."

"What about the knife you threw at my other thigh?" I said impatiently

"It's called a blade, you pissed me off, I wasn't going to fall without a piece of your own hell." He said while examining me

I just stared at him.

"Hey Kings, you can stop that force field, I don't have any weapons anymore, I won't attack."

"You better not be lying cause next time, I'm gonna make sure you don't get up so quickly." I groaned

"Okay, but I told you already, YOU NEED TRAINING! Everyday, you have to be observant. I was-"

I cut him off

"Yeah, Yeah, you already told me."

He looked at me again, observing me again. It kinda gets annoying .

"How long will this hurt."

He pointed at his abdomen area.

"Like two days, just put some aloe vera and put a bandage around it so it can breathe. And, if your expecting an apology, you won't have one."

"I wasn't , I just need you to listen and obey kid." He gritted his teeth

"Okay." I said while I looked down. My father would tell me that all the time, he didn't want me any near Vandal Savage on the missions, but i liked the adrenaline of almost being caught. He saved me a lot of times, I'm guessing just so I could forgive him and Sara for leaving me.

"Did you already treat your wounds ?"

"Pfft as if you cared..."

He looked at me dead in the eye

"Err, yes Malcolm I did. I sewed my wounds together and disinfected them." I rolled my eyes.

He got up and went to a drawer, one I remember seeing some ointments inside. He took out a container, im guessing it had aloe vera. Then he went and opened another drawer, this time he got a bandage roll. I turned away when he lifted his shirt up, I didn't want to risk blushing because i saw his abs.

*few days later*

My thigh still hurt, and i was still mad at Mr.Merlyn.

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