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Mary said someone wanted to see me.

I was surprised because we hardly ever got visits in The Refugee.

I went out and I saw a blonde woman, and a man wearing a big jacket ,even though it wasn't cold.

"Isabel, this may be hard to take." Mary told me,"but the people I told you that were traveling through time and saving the world
Those are the stories I told you about your parents."

This isn't happening

"These are your parents." She said while her voice cracked.

I've never seen her emotional, she was always so mad.

"and now the time is come ,for you to leave me
and go with them."

"What I don't understand, You told me my parents died." I told Mary Xavier very quietly.

The man with the big jacket walked up, "We told her to tell you that, so you wouldn't come looking for us. I can't believe im saying this,"

He inhaled deeply

"I'm Leonard Snart, your father, and I'm not dead. This is your mother Sara Lance,"

He looked over to the women beside him

"She however, was dead." He grinned.

I was so confused.

"Now I don't think this is the time for games Leonard."

A voice said getting louder and louder each time. I searched around and saw a man In a long trench coat.

He came up to me.

"I'm Rip Hunter, sorry about that, Parenting isn't his best."

He gave this 'Leonard' guy a disappointed look.

"Let us start Over."

This mans meaning of start over is clearly, different then mine.

I was blinded by a white light. Then I woke up to find I got kidnapped.


Turns out I was born in a time traveling ship, that caused me to be weird. My mom was dead, my dads a criminal. Once I got my head around that, I learned I had to learn to protect myself, and how to use my powers, a man called Martin Stein helped me understand them and control them . My mother , as harsh as it sounds taught me how to fight. I hardly talked to my parents, since I was mad at them, for lying, and taking it so causality. The only reason they came back , was so that I could begin a new life , wherever I wanted, something about me not being safe anymore. Apparently, I was gonna die because I ran away from The Refugee and, some military men found about me, and my powers. I guess if it weren't because of that, I would have never met them. I trained for 2 months , going on missions with them to help with vandal savage occasionally. Turns out I got my moms side at being a good fighter, and my dads at being a criminal. It wasn't my fault I liked to take things, from different points In time.

The day came when I would have to leave my newly recent "family," and go to a safer place, or time.  Thankfully I got to pick the city, even though the year was already chosen, 2012 , something about a man called Oliver Queen, and Nyssa Al Ghul , who could protect me, if it was necessary. Which I didn't think so, given to the fact I could, do stuff with electromagnetic forces. I was mad , I was angry because my parents, hardly even made an attempt to, talk to me. All they did was stare.

The day came, where I had to leave. I chose Starling City, beacuse, I wanted to see the places my mother went to, since all my father did was steal and, well his family consists of only that. I ignored the fact that they said, that city was dangerous but, I wanted to know everything about my parents, because they wouldn't tell me, something about knowing too much would get me nowhere good. But I gave them the you abandoned me speech, and we were all good, until they tried to talk me out of going there again.

"Maybe if you wouldn't have just left me , you wouldn't be having this problem!" I yelled to my parents.

"We did it to protect you," my father said.

"Or maybe I was an accident you didn't wanna be reminded of. It would make sense since your a criminal! I see no protection done ,no, I literally have only known you for two months , and ever since I was little, I grew up hearing stories of why you left me! I guess traveling throughout time is better then ever visiting your daughter, and telling her the truth! And now that you think I'm old enough , to make a life ,you're leaving me again, in a year I would be safe?!" I yelled at them.

"Isabel we did it to protect you ,protect you! We don't want you involved in whatever we're doing!"

I got mad and I packed the little stuff I had. "I understand. You don't want to be parents of a girl who was born on a time ship thingy, and because of that she can now manipulate the movements of electrons, and create electromagnetic forces! Yeah, I'd bet someone wouldn't want to hang out with y'all because of that! You guys should be ashamed!" I yelled yet again.

The wave riders door opened and I saw my new home, it was dark. Starling City 2012, December. Obviously not to catch attention, they brought me in the night." I thought.

"Isabel." My mother said, "We arn't ashamed of you."

I turned around."Yeah, well that's what you showed me the whole time I was with y'all,you know what? If I ever see this ship here I swear I'm gonna get on it, and prevent you from coming to rescue me, that way I could have lived happily dying!"

My father looked at me astonished to what I just said," DON'T SAY THAT, DON'T DO THE SAME THINGS I DID AT YOUR AGE!" He yelled.
The legends went inside, i bet they didn't wanna be involved in this.

"I DON'T CARE, WHAT YOU SAY , THE POINT IS I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!." I said no more. I got off the ship, I stood there, until I felt the air of the wave rider go up. Just a 17-year-old girl who was abandoned in the past, heading to a place she's never been before. Guess that's what happens when you're a crook and an assassin's daughter.

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