The Dark Archer

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I woke up to see my wrists tapped ,also some sort of device was on them

I did my best to sit up

"sorry about that."

The hooded man said.

He was lucky I couldn't electrocute him, in this state of mine I was in.

"Ah, Do you like it? I did some research on how to stop electricity."

He picked up a knife and started to sharpen it.

"What do you want from me." I groaned.

"Why do ask that?" He said, in a sarcastic tone, continuing to sharpen the knife.

"I'm not dead yet."

"Yet? See kid." He paused and pointed the knife at me.

"I need your help, and yes, I was speculating on killing you ,but then I saw what you could do ." He pointed the knife at my hands.

"I'd like to make you an offer ... What you can do, its dangerous in the wrong hands."

"What do you mean?"

"You see, people could , expirement on you ." He stared at me.
"Kill you."
"Operate you."
"Weoponize you."
"Torture you."

He threw the knife at me, missing on purpose.

I tried to calm myself , seeing that he threw A KNIFE AT ME, I know he failed but still.
Trying to gain my breath back i said,

"And You care because?

"You see,I don't think you'd like that future. So I'll make you an offer, you help me , and I'll protect you from any harm, because you helped me." He responded.

"What's the offer."

"Agree first and then we talk more."

"What if I say no?"

"I'll probably slice your throat, or I can let you live until someone else does."

I thought. I mean he had a point, I could be targeted for something , I wasn't normal after all. Also, it'll be good to be free for once.

"Alright, but I need to know I can trust you." I smirked.

"Here's your backpack, and no I didn't go through it."

My backpack ... damn it.

"One, I can't get it cause of this ." I raised my taped up wrists.

"Two, I don't expect you believe I'll work with you, and your mask on all the time."I said.

"Well that's a very high demand, but I understand, it's smart to not trust anyone but yourself ."

"Huh, I thought so." I smirked again.

The man took off his mask, and gosh , he had beautiful blue eyes. He was probably in his late 40s ,but he didn't look like a man of his age. I noticed I had been staring so I came back to reality.

"Now you tell me how can I trust you ...since you can" he mimicked me using my powers with his hands.

"Hey man, I can transport with electricity , like suck myself in it. I could've done that by now." I was being honest , but I didn't do it because I was scared, for my dear life, I forgot how.

"Prove it."

"Ughhh ." I groaned .I just overpowered the device, and it, lit up for a moment, then it opened up, it was like a big hand cuff.

"Hm, I guess I didn't do my research correctly." He took the knife he threw at me earlier of the wall and got closer , and yes I tensed cause the man was dang attractive.

He ripped the tape.

I rubbed my wrists a bit.

"Are we gonna act as if you weren't threatening me a few moments ago?" I told him, staring into his blue eyes.

"Again sorry about that, It was for a good cause." He stretched out his hand, to help me up.

"Malcolm Merlyn " he said, while I grabbed it.

I tried to remember the ID Rip gave me quickly .

"Isabel Kings."

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