Chapter 12

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Joseline's POV

After we ate the pizza,Jevion took me home.I had to get the boys for the day because michelle had to work and skully was gonna go catch up with some of his homies.when I got there no one was there.I called michelle and it went straight to voice mail.then I called skully and he didn't pick I called my job ands talked to michelle and she said she left them at home with I guess he took them with them.that's nice and all but he could answer the phone or shoot me a message or something.I stayed on the phone with michelle,well the whole damn salon,for a bit.

After I got off the phone.I went upstairs and took me a shower.I could've took one at jevions place but I ain't have no clothes to put on and I was not gonna put the same clothes back on.that's just nahsty.

So I threw on the outfit in the picture above.I had to run a few errands today so it was something simple. I didn't even put on jewelry.

I was riding back from meeting with my therapist.I've been seeing her since my mom passed.I was so traumatized after what happened.once I started meeting with her everything started to lighten up for me.

There was too much traffic on the highway for me to handle. So I went through the hood.I stopped to see my brother-yes I have another brother.we had different dads but when mom died,he let him stay with us.he is a drug dealer and he has been since I was 13.when my dad found out he kicked him to the curb.Jose was just a baby then so he didn't understand what was going on. Once I got my license,I started going on that side of town just to see him.daddy wouldn't let me take Jose but its cool.I understand.

I went and knocked on the door.the dude Raymond opened the door.

R:supp lina

L:hey nigga

R:you betta stop cussin before Michael hear you and beat that ass.

L:I wish a nigga would put his hands on me

M:you wish a what would put their hands on you?

L:hey brother!

M:mhmm hey sis how you and jose been?


M:what you come over here for?you need some money?

L:that's not why I came but it would be nice to have a few extra dollars in my pocket.

M:here you go,that should be bout 5g's right there.

He always gave me money when I came over.whether I asked for it or not.I always put half of whatever he gave me in an account for jose.

L:thanks brother

M:no problem...ummmm

L:what's wrong

M:ummm I saw pops the other day


M:behind some place...getting high

My jaw dropped to the floor and my heart went right with it.

M:I'm sorry sis

He said hugging me

L:im good.I just never though he would drop his kids for drugs.

M:you know it was really rough for him

L:I know but we couldve gotten through this rough time together. Instead he decided to leave his kids.I'm good but Jose needs him.Jose needs his dad in his life.

M:you right sis but we gone get through this together.but I'm moving out this place soon

L:where you going?

M:I don't really know yet but if you wanna come move in with me that would be cool.

L:oh hell yes!

M:really nigga?

L:yes but look I gotta go.

M:ight sis.IMA text you later

L:kk bye!

I got in my car and drove off.i can't believe this dad is on come the tears. I started crying so hard that I had to pull over. Once I got myself together I looked around to know where I was.I wasn't even a block away from Michael's house.I was about to drive off but I saw this crack head that looked really I just sat there...being nosey.


I was getting out the car at this point


Did he not hear me?


He finally heard me and turned around.I walked up to him slowly.

J:uhhh hi

L:you just gonna stand there and not give your daughter a hug?

J:I don't have a daughter

L:stop playing daddy

J:ummm I'm sorry miss,you haabe me mixed up with someone else

L:no I don't!

J:I have to go

L:Jesus Jose Romaro !

J:how tf do you know my name?

L:because I'm your daughter....why did you leave us?

J:who is us?well y'all?

L:me and Jose,your 6 year old son.

J:I told you lady.I don't have no fuckin kids so leave me tf alone!

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