Chapter 3

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Joseline's POV

after i got little brother,we went sign of father.i guess he went to the unemployment office.he left his wallet and his phone.weird.maybe he just went somewhere to clear his head.let me clean this house.
After hours of cleaning,i finally sat down and relax.but that didnt last long because this crazy little boy that people call my brother,came down stairs acting stupid as usual.

LB(little brother):lina im hungry.
J:what you want.
LB:can we go get some pizza?
J:we can throw that frozen pizza in the oven and call it a night.

Little kids dont give a fvck.they would eat rocks if you gave it to em.

J:go get your pj's out while i run your bath water.

I glance at the clock 8:58.thats weird.daddy not here.let me call grama.

*phone conversation*

J:hey nana.
N:hey baby.what you want?you know im watchin my soaps.
J:love and hiphop isnt a soap opera nana.but have you talked to my daddy?
N:i havent seen or talked to him in about 3 days.whats wrong.
J:so you dont know?
N:know what baby?im confused.
J:he lost his job yesterday.
N:o Jesus.why didnt he tell me.
J:idk he usually tells you before anyone else.
N:yea ik...
N:ummm if hes not there in 30 minutes yall just grab some things and come stay with me.
J:okay nana.te amo.
N:child i told you to stop speaking spanish to know im the black grama and i aint pay attention in you too girl.
*end of conversation*

Grama always puts a smile on my face some how.
Three Days Later

Sooo weve been staying with nana because daddy hasnt came house gonna file a missing persons report as soon as i get José to michelles house.hes gonna stay with her and her son for the night while theres a lot of caos around us.

J:josé get up breakfast is ready.
LB:i dont feel like it.
J:fine youre not gonna go see brandon then.
LB:what?!brandon is coming over?!
J:nooo youre gonna stay with him for night.
LB:cool dude.

He got up and gave me a kiss on my cheek.i swear if it wasnt for this little kid,i dont know what i would do.everything i do is for him.

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