Bonus # 1

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November evenings have this essence of calm to them which really puts a balm over an exhausting mind after a long lousy day at work. As Harram swiveled the steering, she figured that wasn't the case with her. Even the beautiful evening of starting winter wouldn't fill her with any good vibes, instead her mood was worsening with every passing second.

Stupid car, stupid road, stupid dumpsters to the sideline and yes, stupid weather. 

The thing is, you tend to find everything bland and well, stupid if what you are actually yearning for is nowhere to be found. The usually calming things become a nuisance and you're so tempted to just ram something into whatever you see. Example spotted: Mrs. Harram Zaviyar.  

Pushing her hair out of her sight to better concentrate on the road, Harram's scowled deepened. Being serious about your work was a trait she used to admire in people. She herself had always been mindful about her career but since the time a certain someone had entered her life properly, she was seeing a new angle to this devotion to work and honestly it was not nice.

It hadn't been long since they had worked on all the issues in their marriage. Issues which were mostly stupidity on his part, Harram snorted with a smirk on her face. Things were going smoothly since then. He was an accommodating husband since the beginning but now was the time for her to do the same and honestly she was on the verge of being done.

Never ending work commitments, this mission, that mission and the danger of it all, it wasn't easy. She had often found herself faltering but she wasn't Harram Obaid for nothing. She was trying her best to accommodate him and was succeeding as well but some things were just so uncalled for, like for the instant his duty here in Islamabad and Pindi and still not being able to come home! He was in the same city as them but hadn't visited for a week. Harram shook her head and looked outside of the window. She was passing by GHQ road. The thing about rage is, it comes uninvited. She narrowed her eyes at the entrance where nothing was out of order. It added to her ongoing frustration and before she knew it, the car went out of control and rammed straight to the sidewalk garnering quite a bit of attention. 

Harram didn't know how it happened; just that it was quite a mess up. It took her no time getting her bearings but it was too late. Two army personnel were already walking towards the spot her car was resting at emanating smoke, just like she was a while back.

"Chin up! Don't let the officers get you down!"

She chided herself and got out of the car. Thankfully, no physical damage to her self had done or else it would've been messier. The two guys were now close than ever and Harram could see their serious faces. Army men and their disdain for troublemakers. Too bad she wasn't intending to be one but yay life! 

"Are you okay, Miss?"

One of them asked as politely as he could. She nodded trying to play it cool which didn't go unnoticed by them.

"You car doesn't look so."

"I'll see to it. Just got lost control."

"This is public area. Maybe stop using it like your father's property the next time."

This hit her the wrong way. She folded her arms on her chest narrowing her eyes.

"Why the father? I'm capable myself as it is. If I'm going to pretend this is how it works then in my mind it's my property I'm tempering with. I can do that on my own, don't need a father for that."

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