Crowd | Hyakuzawa Yuudai

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((The date on which you first meet your soulmate is on your wrist.))

You had decided not to leave your room at all today. You checked the date on your phone and the date that was marked on your arm. This must have been the tenth time you checked that the two really did match up.

Today was the day you were going to meet your soulmate. You had decided to stay in your dorm room the entire day so that there would be no doubt about who he was.

You had heard the stories about people who went out on their special date, to then have the bad luck to meet their soulmate in a sea of strangers. Some of them never figured out who the other was.

You had told your friends to leave you alone and you gave your roommate strict instructions not to bring any strangers with her to your room. You only wanted to see one new person that day: your soulmate.

To keep you occupied you had bought a new game to play on your PS Vita. You hadn't touched your handheld console for a while and were really looking forward to playing the otome game you had gotten.

After getting comfortable on your bed you reached for the bottom drawer of your nightstand, where you kept the stuff that you rarely used. You reached for your console but only grabbed air. You used your hand to feel all around the drawer, but came up empty-handed.

It's gone!

You searched all around your room, including your roommate's side, but found nothing. You considered going to report a theft when you suddenly remembered. You had given it to one of the boys in your class, Tendou Satori.

Lucky for you his dorm was not that far away, so sneaking over there without meeting anyone shouldn't pose any problems.

When you arrived at his door and knocked, Tendou's roommate, who was also in your class, opened up.

"Is Tendou here? He borrowed something of mine and I need it back." You asked as you kept looking over your shoulder.

"No, he went to the gym with Ushijima. He'll be back later." Was his reply which made you groan.

"Just my luck..." You waved goodbye and hurried back to your room.

Now you had two options. Stay in your room and be bored for the rest of the evening or take the risk of going outside.

The more you thought about it the more tempting it was to just go to the gym and get your console.  You knew the volleyball team and now that you thought about it, you had met most people in the school one way or another.

Sure you hadn't been introduced to everyone, but that wasn't necessary to be considered 'meeting your soulmate' right? Else there wouldn't be any danger going out in crowded places on that special day.

Having convinced yourself in your head, you headed out to the gym, intending to be in and out in less than five minutes.

You arrived at the big door and heard the squeaking of shoes, telling you that they were indeed doing some sort of practice inside.

You unceremoniously swung the door open and stepped inside.

"Tendou! Do you have... a... moment..." Your mouth was agape when all faces turned to you. To your horror, a lot of them belonged to people you had never seen before.

You were pretty sure they didn't even go to Shiratorizawa and you cursed your luck. 

Oblivious to your predicament, Tendou came bounding towards you. "How can I be of assistance?"

"I.. Uhh..." You tried to get your thoughts back into order. "Who are they?"

Tendou looked over his shoulder at the guys who had resumed the game they were playing. "They're just some first years, we're having a training camp."

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